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Career Services Kickoff

10 Oct from 15:00 to 16:00

Are you taking the first steps towards starting a career? Would you like to know how our team can help you along your academic path and in the transition to the job market?

In this session you will have the opportunity to:

  • Meet our team.
  • Get to know the services we offer.
  • Discover the career tools and platforms at your disposal, both for defining your objectives and also for searching for a job and preparing for recruitment processes.

In the second part of our session, we will be joined by Maria Moragianis from Highered, one of the platforms we have available for you, which provides countless benefits for your journey.

Join us for the Career Services Kickoff at the 10th October, at 15.00 and you'll learn all about the Career Services! This session will be held online and will be delivered in English. Register HERE.

Don't miss this opportunity. We're counting on you!