Join us on the November 18ththe following shall be carried out colloquium "Bento de Jesus Caraça and the Cosmos Project yesterday and today", in National Museum of Natural History and Sciencewith the participation of Prof. Carlos Bastien (ISEG).
Professor Bento de Jesus Caraça (1901-1947) was one of the most important Portuguese personalities of the 20th century, with a unique work in the civic, cultural, social and scientific spheres. Despite the restrictions placed on his work by the Salazar dictatorship, his work was always disseminated and has been regularly cited and studied over the years.
The colloquium is organized by the Bento de Jesus Caraça Association, constituted in 2018 by a group of citizens who thought that what has been done over the years, while meritorious, does not fully explore the thought and work of Bento de Jesus Caraça. In order to be able to contribute to correct the information deficit that exists about this unique figure of Portuguese culture, this Association was founded.
Thus, the Bento de Jesus Caraça Association has defined as the main objective of its activity to make known the work of Bento de Jesus Caraça in all its facets and to promote the discussion around his ideas, namely among the generations that do not know his thought and work, promoting integral culture, through the dissemination of sciences, humanities and arts in their various expressions, the edition of publications that are consistent with the pursuit of its purposes and the organization of congresses, seminars, colloquia, conferences, debates and exhibitions. The associates will commit themselves to an educational system whose ultimate goal is to train citizens in the values of Integral Culture, as Bento de Jesus Caraça advocated in the text entitled "The Integral Culture of the Individual".
The Colloquium aims to analyze what was the great Cosmos Library Project. From 1941 to 1948, the year of Bento de Jesus Caraça's death, 114 titles of this collection were published, some of them multiple, with an extraordinary print run for the time, almost 7000 copies per book. The variety of topics covered was great, divided into seven series: "Sciences and Techniques", "Arts and Letters", "Philosophy and Religions" and "Peoples and Civilizations", "Biographies", "Human Epics" and "Problems of Our Time". The aim of this collection, as expressed by its creator, was "to provide real services to its readers and, through them, to a cause for which we had been fighting for many years: the creation of a free and scientific mentality among Portuguese citizens".
9.30 - 10.00 Reception
10.00 - 10.10 Opening - Luis Saraiva (President of the Board of ABJC, CIUHCT, U. Lisboa), representative of MNHNC
10.10 - 11.00 António Pita (FLUC/CEIS20, U. Coimbra) - The polyphony of culture: Bento de Jesus Caraça and the notion of encyclopedia.
11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break
11.30 - 12.20 Luis Crespo Andrade (FCSH-UNL, CHAM - Humanities Center) - A Cosmos Library and the political and social representations of encyclopedic dissemination.
12.20 - 13.10 Helena Neves (CEIS 20, U. Coimbra) - Roots of the Cosmos: do Monde de Barbuse to the magazine Coast
13.10 - 15.00 Lunch
15.00 - 15.50 João Oliveira Duarte (IHA-Institute of Art History of the U. Nova de Lisboa) - Cosmos Library: a suffering and subversive knowledge
15.50 - 16.40 Joaquim Garrido (Livraria Cosmos-Edições Cosmos) - Bento de Jesus Caraça- ethics seed of freedom
16.40 -1 7.10 Coffee break
17.10-18.00 Carlos Bastien (ISEG, U. Lisboa) - The economics books published in the Portuguese Cosmos
18.00-18.50 Augusto Fitas (U. Évora / IHC- cehfci) - The scientific books published in the Cosmos
18.50-19.00 João Caraça (President of the General Council of ABJC, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation) - Closing of the Colloquium
Participation is subject to registration and has a cost of 15€.
Registration is open by sending an email to the following address indicating that you want to participate in the colloquium, and by attaching proof by bank transfer (IBAN - PT50 0035 0027 00085552 130 93).
For more information and to become a member of the Bento de Jesus Caraça Association, visit the association's website:
Poster (pdf)