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Solemn or Commemorative Sessions

Celebration of the centenary of the birth of Professor Bento Murteira

15 Nov 2024 from 16:30 to 19:30
ISEG, Salão Nobre Great Hall (Quelhas)

Bento Murteira left us a unique legacy that cannot be remembered enough and undeniably deserves a place in the History of Applied Mathematics and Statistics in Portugal.

For this reason, the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) and the Institute of Economics and Management (ISEG), in conjunction with the Centre for Applied Mathematics for Forecasting and Economic Decision Making (CEMAPRE) and the Centre for Statistics and Applications (CEAUL), decided to mark this date by holding an event on the anniversary on the 15th November, 2024, which will take place in ISEG's Salão Nobre Great Hall, from 16.30 onwards.

A entrada é gratuita e solicita-se a inscrição prévia on this LINK.

A new edition of the book entitled Statistics: Inference and Decisionwill be launched during the event. This book, which was first published in 1988 by the Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda National Mint , is now out of print. An open access digital edition of the book will be available at a location that is yet to be designated.


OpeningJoão Duque (Dean of ISEG)
Luís Machado (Chair of SPE)
TestimonialsIsabel Proença
João Pedro Faria
Nuno Crato
Carlos Silva Ribeiro
Maria Antónia Turkman
Inês Murteira
Coffee break/final encounter