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CONCERT | 150th Anniversary of Carl Nielsen

02 Oct 2015 from 17:00 to 19:00
Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium


>>  Free entry subject to confirmation here

The Danish Embassy and ISEG are promoting a concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of the acclaimed Danish composer Carl Nielsen.

Trio Vitruvi will perform some of his works (  see full program).

Trio Vitruvi:
Alexander McKenzie - Piano 
Niklas Walentin - Violin 
Jacob la Cour - Cello

A drink will be served at 17:00.


Simultaneously with the concert, there will also be an exhibition of paintings, with 8 works by Danish School of the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries.
The exhibition will take place on Floor 3 of Quelhas during the afternoon, converging in a drink at 5 pm next to the Olive Garden (Edf. Quelhas).