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Launching and Presentation of Books

The Curse of Cash, by Kenneth Rogoff

15 March 15:00
Auditorium 2 (Ed. Quelhas)

On March 15, the fourth session of the annual edition of the  Books of Our Time Debate Cycle, this time on the work The Curse of Cash, by Kenneth Rogoff.

The work will be commented by professors Rosa Borges and Paula Albuquerque. 

The session starts at 3pm, in Auditorium 2 (Ed. Quelhas, 2nd floor).   

Free entry, subject to pre-registration. Register now  here !   

The Cycle of Books of Our Time is organized annually by   CSG-Consortium for Research in Social Sciences and Management of ISEG  with the aim of addressing important books in scientific areas of the School, namely Management, Economics, and Society. In each session, an ISEG Professor will comment on the new ideas suggested by the theme book, followed by a debate. 

All sessions will take place between 3 pm and 4 pm, at ISEG Auditorium 2 (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).   

Consult the general program of the cycle   here  

Links to Registration:   
>> 4th Session: March 15, 2019   
>> 5th Session April 23, 2019   
>> 6th Session: May 16, 2019


Poster (pdf)