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Education...In the eyes of a teacher

19 Apr from 17:00 to 20:30
Onsite & Online

ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão announces the 2nd edition of the "Education... in the Eyes of a Teacher", to be held at ISEG, on April 19 - an innovative event that aims to make known to the Secondary School Teachers with whom we have the pleasure of working, our way of thinking and being in society, as well as to promote dialog on fundamental themes.

This event, after a 1st edition entirely in online format due to the pandemic situation in which we found ourselves, will now be held on hybrid formatThis allows you to attend in the format you prefer - Face-to-Face or Online.

Thus, this 2nd edition will focus on the issue of "Education or Training: What is the role of a teacher? How should the education system in Portugal evolve to keep up with this dynamic?". To discuss this topic, we will have in our panel of speakers four Professors from ISEG (Teacher Clara Raposo Professor Nuno Crato, Professor Joana Pais and the Professor João Duque) and two guest teachers (public and private education), all of them with different backgrounds and expertise in a wide range of areas, with Education as a central point.

The event, to be held on Tuesday, April 19, will be planned as follows:
17h30 - 18h00 | Arrival of participants in person, networking moment and short guided tour
18h00 - 18h10 | Prof. Clara Raposo: Official opening of the event
18h10 - 19h40 | Debate: Education or Training: What is the role of a teacher? How should the education system in Portugal evolve to keep up with this dynamic?
19h40 - 20h10 | Audience participation: Questions and clarification of doubts
20h10 | Closing of the event and snack time

We believe it will be an extremely well spent afternoon, with an exchange of ideas and an open and dynamic discussion, which will certainly contribute to the future of education in Portugal. We will be happy for you to participate in this event (in person or online), and if it is of interest to you to participate, please let us know and fill in the form. this form.