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Painting Workshop 2024 exhibition

04 Jul / 25 Jul from 18:00 to 18:00
Quelhas Building, Floor 3

ISEG's Cultural Commission is pleased to announce the next Exhibition of ISEG's Painting Workshop, which is the responsibility of Anabela Mota.

The value proposition of the Painting Workshop, which is suitable for the entire ISEGian community, is to learn and explore basic techniques, using different materials and supports, starting with exercises that allow for gradual progress. As well as an approach to composition, drawing and colour, recognising line/stain/texture is all important.

Anabela Mota's career started in 1982 at the António Arroio School and in 1985 at ESBAL. Since 1997 she has dedicated herself to painting, including organising workshops for children and adults. Since 2005 she has been working together with the IPO Paediatric Ward in the area of painting, among other initiatives. She also works with AMARA in the area of palliative care and presented a paper on 'Art in hospital - The mysteries of the Art of Life in the IPO of Lisbon' at the 'V International Congress Espaço T', in Porto. In 2007 she founded 'A Casa da Quinta' in Linda-a-Velha, a community space for art. She holds a degree and Masters in Painting from FBAUL and also teaches at the ISEG Painting Worksop, which is currently ongoing.

She exhibits regularly, also as part of her role as a curator. She is interested in the importance and awareness of the 'look' as a means to access multiple realities and a certain quality of time. She questions the fragility and mystery that is omnipresent in the reality of concrete things, the difference between a certain look which is used to seeing and the look that is driven by consciousness - an inner movement that has the gift of impressing reality.

The Painting Workshop exhibition will be inaugurated on the 4th July, at 18.00 , on Foor 3 of the Quelhas building and will run until the 25th July..