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Launching and Presentation of Books

Francisco Louçã and Mariana Mortágua launch Political Economy Handbook at ISEG

06 Oct from 17:30 to 18:30
CGD Auditorium

Francisco Louçã and Mariana Mortágua will launch a "Political Economy Handbook" at the ISEG.

The session will take place on October 6th, 5:30pm, at the CGD Auditorium (Ed. Quelhas, 2nd floor).

The launch counts with the participation of the ISEG's president, Professor Clara Raposo.

The work is published by Bertrand.

Free admission, subject to the auditorium's capacity.

Economic science is undergoing a mutation, challenging the traditional theories of market equilibrium, which imagine an artificial society and reduce rationality to the maximization of individual advantage, and replacing them by analyses of dynamic processes in real economies marked by power inequalities. The transformation of science also results from its obligation to understand new (and old) issues, such as crises, climate economics, labor transformations, the strengthening of financial rentism, and the role of institutions and, in particular, new communication networks. This handbook studies these dimensions of social life, and to do so, it recovers science as it was created by classical economists, from Adam Smith to Marx, and then transformed by the critical currents of the 20th and 21st century, from Keynes to Stiglitz, Nelson, Piketty and so many other voices. Reading this pluralism, the Handbook of Political Economy walks through the major contributions to understanding our world and to economic decision making.