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ISEG Research Seminar | Amélia Branco

13 Dez das 13:00 às 14:00
ISEG, Sala Santander Totta (Edifício Quelhas)

No dia 13 de dezembro, Amélia Branco, professora do ISEG, apresenta o estudo “The paper Pulp Industry and the First Generation of Environmental Agreements in Portugal”

Entrada livre.


The relationship between business and the environment has become a prominent field of research, giving rise to numerous debates on topics such as environmental regulatory regimes and policies, “green” business strategies, the interplay between regulation and innovation, and the distinctive characteristics observed in various sectors and countries. As a highly polluting industry, the paper pulp sector is an expressive case to explore these debates. The modern Portuguese pulp industry took its initial steps when international environmental concerns gained prominence. Its early development occurred within the framework of an interventionist regime as a protected infant industry. Subsequent to the mid-1970s, the sector underwent a series of nationalization, restructuring, and privatization processes. Portuguese pulp companies encountered escalating regulatory constraints during these transitions, particularly following Portugal’s accession to the European Communities. In 1987, the paper pulp companies were at the forefront in embracing environmental policy measures through voluntary agreements, marking the inception of the first generation of such agreements. This paper analyses corporate behaviour during the environmental agreement signed between the Portuguese state and the paper pulp industry (1988-1995), with the following objectives: (1) systematizing the solutions advocated by companies in response to an increasingly stringent regulatory framework; (2) formulating explanatory hypotheses for the business strategies adopted in this specific context.