The next ISEG Research Seminar will take place on the 16th October, with the participation of Paulo Barbosa, who will present a paper entitled 'Export Promotion with Matchmaking and Grants: Evidence from Portuguese Firms'.
The seminar will take place from 13.00 to 14.00 in Lecture Theatre 3 (Quelhas, 4th Floor).
Free admission.
This paper estimates the impact on firms' foreign sales of goods of two key policies implemented by export promotion agencies (EPAs): matchmaking in international markets and financial grants for internationalization. We integrate Portuguese detailed firm-level data on exports of goods, balance sheets, and income statements, as well as information on the activity of the EPA between 2012 and 2021. The empirical exercise estimates the causal effect of these policies using a staggered difference-in-difference estimator. We conclude that the support provided to Portuguese firms with the aim of increasing exports significantly and positively affected their exports of goods. More specifically, financial grants for internationalization led to a significant increase in firms' total exports, with a greater effect on micro and small firms and in the sectors of "Wholesale of household goods" and "Manufacture of wearing apparel". Similarly, matchmaking activities led to a significant increase in exports. In France, the country for which Portuguese companies request the most matching support, the effect is greater for micro and small firms and in the sector of "manufacturing of other textiles".