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Antena 1 Masterclass at ISEG

11 Apr / 12 Dec 2017 from 12:00 to 20:00
Caixa Geral de Depósitos Auditorium


ISEG supports the dissemination of Portuguese music by hosting in one of its auditoriums the initiative organized by RÁDIO E TELEVISÃO DE PORTUGAL S.A., through its program service Antena 1 and which has the renowned musician João Gil as mentor of the project.

The noble objective of the MasterClass is the promotion of Portuguese music and, in particular, the support of new authors who compose and perform in Portuguese.


Portuguese or foreign authors over 16 years of age, solo or in a group, with works in Portuguese, with no limit on the number of members per group and who have never recorded or commercially published their compositions, may submit proposals. Instrumental proposals are also admitted, provided that the composers are Portuguese and, in the case of a group, that the majority is Portuguese.


Competitors may submit up to 3 original songs or lyrics.


Come and watch and maybe participate in future sessions.


MasterClass dates

11th April

9th May

June 6th

the 11th July,

September 19th

24th October

November 21st

December 19th

