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Mock Interviews

19 Apr / 22 Apr from 09:00 to 18:00
Online & in-person

is coming to 4th edition of Mock Interviews: if you want your future to be working with some of the biggest companies, get ready, this is your chance! The event takes place between April 19th and 22nd and this year it's taking place in digital (on the 19th and 22nd) and in-person (on the 20th and 21st).

If you're not already familiar with Mock Interviews, this is the event that allows you to directly contact recruiters from real companies in the context of a professional interview simulation. Each interview lasts a total of 30 minutes (20 minutes of the interview and 10 minutes at the end where you will receive feedback from the recruiter). In this edition we have 15 companies:

Accenture | Arquiconsult | Worten | Deloitte | PWC | EY | LGG Advisors | Fidelidade | Auchan | Calzedónia Group | BNP Paribas | Hays | Jerónimo Martins | Neyond | Siemens.

If you want to put your skills to the test, expand your network of contacts and receive valuable feedback for your professional future, don't miss out on this opportunity.

This event will be held in Portuguese.

Sign up using this link:

Note: places are limited.

The Mock Interviews are waiting for you!