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Nelson Mandela Award Ceremony 2024

18 Jul from 18:30 to 20:00
ISEG, CGD Auditorium (Quelhas)

On the 18th July, at 18.30, in the CGD Auditorium, ISEG will host the ceremony to award the Nelson Mandela Prize 2024 to Antonio Garcia Pereira, a lawyer and former ISEG professor.

The ceremony will be attended by the honouree, Antonio Garcia Pereira, and will include addresses by General Ramalho Eanes, Ana Gomes, Laborinho Lúcio , and José João Abrantes.

Every year A ProPública attributes the Prémio Nelson Mandela to a lawyer or jurist, be they Portuguese or from abroad, who is distinguished for their work in promoting common good and citizenship, specifically in the legal area.

Further information HERE.