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Seminars and Conferences

OAIP Seminars

16 May from 13:00 to 14:00
ISEG, Room 101 (New Quelhas)

With the objective to communicate and share good practices and educational experiences that respond to new pedagogical challenges, the OAIP - Observatório de Ação e Inovação Pedagógica (Observatory for Pedagogical Action and Innovation) has pleasure in inviting faculty and non-faculty staff to attend the following seminars on the 16th May, from 13.00 to 14.00, in Room 101 (New Quelhas) the seminars:

Inviting Artificial Intelligence into the Classroom
Professor João Duque (Dean of ISEG and a member of Advance)
AI is on the agenda and ISEG was one of the first Portuguese universities to propose reflection at institutional level (Pedagogical Council), which resulted in an official recommendation to the School. However, beyond this recommendation, academic impact can be established at the level of pedagogical activity, which is feeling under serious attack by its development.
The aim of this intervention is to report on a concrete experience of a class taught entirely using ChatGPT, followed by some reflections and conclusions on its use, or on the use of other artificial intelligence tools. 
Learning from feedback

Speaker: Professor José Veríssimo (Vice-Dean of ISEG and a member of Advance)
Academic feedback is part of the learning and development process for students. It promotes understanding of performance, increases motivation, facilitates the immediate application of suggestions, and contributes to the learning process.
This session will share feedback practices and tools, making available templates for immediate use.

The session will be delivered in Portuguese.