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Seminars and Conferences

ISEG Pedagogical Observatory - 2nd Annual Seminar

27 May 2009 from 14:30 to 18:00
Quelhas Building, BPP Amphitheater
The ISEG Pedagogical Observatory (OP) will hold its second Annual Seminar on May 27, at 2.30 pm, in the BPP Room. It will be an opportunity to present the studies and analyses carried out this year, to compare some results of characterization of our student population of the 1st cycle with those of other Higher Education institutions and also, as expected, a space for exchange of opinions and information among colleagues on issues that concern everyone. For more detailed information, please consult the Program. PROGRAMME 14.30h - Opening Prof. Dr. António Mendonça, President of the Board of Directors of ISEG 15:00 - Presentation of the study "On Entry: Students at the University of Lisbon 2003-2008", OPEST (Observatory of Student Pathways) Prof. Dr. Ana Nunes de Almeida, Pro-Rector of the University of Lisbon 15:30 - Presentation of the study "ISEG 1st Cycle Students: Who are they? (2009 edition)" Prof. Dr. Graça Leão Fernandes and Prof. Dr. João Peixoto 16:00 - Debate 16:45 - Coffee break 17:00 - The Pedagogical Observatory Database and School Success Indicators Dr. Sónia Domingues and Prof. Dr. Carlos Farinha Rodrigues 17:30h - Presentation of the results of the Survey on Dropout and Interruption in the 1st Cycle of ISEG Prof. Dr. Margarida Chagas Lopes 18:00 - Closing Prof. Dr. José António Pereirinha - President of the Scientific Council of ISEG