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Lectures, Debates, Presentations

Talk on 'Lessons Learned" with the participation of Ana Figueiredo (Altice), Madalena Tomé (Sibs), and Paulo Macedo (CGD)

12 Apr from 17:00 to 18:00
ISEG, Salão Nobre Great Hall (Quelhas)

Included in ISEG's Talent Bootcamp is a talk on 'Lessons Learned' on the 9th May, with the participation of Ana Figueiredo (CEO of Altice and an ISEG alumna), Madalena Tome (CEO of Sibs and an ISEG alumna), and Paulo Macedo (CEO of CGD and an ISEG alumnus and professor). 

This session is open to the community as a whole. No registration is required.

Not to be missed! Be there at 17.00 on the 12th April, in ISEG's Salão Nobre Great Hall.