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Solemn or Commemorative Sessions

Tribute to José Saramago on the centenary of his birth

Nov 16 from 18:00 to 19:00
CGD Auditorium

ISEG will host an event in tribute to José Saramago on the occasion of the centenary of his birth, a joint organization of the Luís de Camões Chair and the Ramón Areces Foundation (Carlos III University of Madrid), with the support of ISEG.

The session will be attended by professors João Duque and Nuno Valério (ISEG), Ana Tomás (GHES), Ana Soares (University of Algarve) and Daniel Peña (Director Catedra Camoens Carlos III University of Madrid - Fundación Ramón Areces).

The session will take place on November 16, at 18h00, in the CGD Auditorium (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).

Free admission.



  • João Duque, President of ISEG (to be confirmed)

Portugal and Spain in Saramago's Time

  • Nuno Valério, Full Professor at ISEG and researcher at the Economic and Social History Office.
  • Ana Tomás, retired Associate Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal and researcher at the Economic and Social History Office.

Cinematographic transpositions of José Saramago's work

  • Ana Soares, Assistant Professor at the University of Algarve

Closing session

  • Daniel Peña, Director Catedra Camoens Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - Fundación Ramón Areces.

About José Saramago

José Saramago is the first Portuguese writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. He also received the Camões Prize, the most important recognition of his contribution to the literary and cultural heritage of the Portuguese language. This year marks the centenary of his birth on November 16, 1922.

Author of memorable novels, several of which have been taken to the opera (Convent Memorial), for symphonic music (The Gospel according to Jesus Christ) or for the cinema (Stone Raft, The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, Essay on Blindness, The Duplicate Man, ...). His political and religious ideas, which he always defended with passion, gave rise to numerous controversies. A strong advocate of strengthening ties between Spain and Portugal, from the mid-1990s he alternated his residence between Lisbon and Tías, on the island of Lanzarote, where he died in 2010.