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Institutional Events

Welcome To ISEG - Masters 2020 | Welcome Session

09 Sep / 11 Sep from 09:00 to 22:00


The Welcome to ISEG - Masters 2020The welcome session for Master's students will be held in person from September 9 to 11 at the CGD Auditorium (Quelhas Building, 2nd floor).

At this session, which will be attended by the Presidency, master's students will have the opportunity to find out about the school and the teaching method for the 2020/2021 academic year, meet their course coordinators and receive a welcome kit.

After the welcome session, the students will be accompanied by their course coordinators to a presentation session, where they will receive more information about the master's degree and get to know their teachers and classmates.

In view of the circumstances in which we find ourselves, we would like to inform you that the allocation of rooms and the distribution of groups in them will be in accordance with APCER's quality and safety certification rules (Covid-Safe).


More information soon.



September 9th

18h - Auditorium CGD | Masters: Applied Econometrics & Forecasting, Economics, Monetary & Financial Economics


September 10th

18h - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Human Resources Management, Industrial Management and Strategy


September 11th

9h45 - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Actuarial Science, Data Analytics for Business, Mathematical Finance

11h30 - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Accounting, Finance

14h15 - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Business Sciences (daytime), Accounting, Taxation and Corporate Finance, International Economics and European Studies.

16.15 - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Information Systems Management, Marketing, Quantitative Methods for Economic and Business Decision Making

18.00 - CGD Auditorium | Masters: Development and International Cooperation, Economics and Management of Science, Technology and Innovation, Economics and Public Policy, Business Sciences (after-school)


note: Check-in takes place 20 minutes before the start of the sessions.