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Dissertations Real Estate Management and Valuation

Fernando Jorge Bastos da Silva Lopes 
Critical Success Factors of Customer Relationship Management, 2011/02/22

Bruno Monteiro Fragoso 
Real Estate Investment in the Asset Portfolios of Pension Funds and Insurance Companies in Portugal, 2011/03/30

Ana Filipa Mocho do Vale Tarré 
Analysis of apartment appraisal values for mortgage loans in two different areas of Lisbon - using hedonic models, 2009/05/29

Daniel Colin Raphael D' Estrella
Analysis of the Impact of London Underground on the Supply Value of Residential Real Estate, 2008/11/17

Ricardo Jorge Antunes Reis
Valuation of Residential Developments in Lisbon - Estimating the Value of a New Apartment, 2008/11/17

Fernando da Silva Neto
Application of a Hedonic Valuation Model to Residential Buildings in the Municipality of Gaia, 2008/11/17