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Aluno: IsamÁrlie Martins Tavares

Cabo Verde, an archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean, has been building a mature and participatory democracy since its political opening in 1991. This work aims to fill gaps in recent quantitative studies by exploring the factors influencing involvement in Cape Verdean elections. With 32 years of democracy, political involvement is crucial for the preservation of the democratic regime in Cabo Verde. The study utilizes questionnaires with 51 questions, covering areas such as demographics, education, family context, political perceptions/opinions/preferences, economic, social, and security aspects. It employs the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), distinguishing between observable and latent variables. These variables provide a comparative basis to elucidate the dynamics of political involvement and elections in Cabo Verde. The research highlights that the variable most influencing political involvement is the level of education, followed by age and occupation. Surprisingly, satisfaction has a negative relationship with political involvement. The combination of education and cultured contributes more than 60% to political involvement, indicating that being informed is crucial for political engagement. Contrary to previous studies, dissatisfaction currently seems to motivate political involvement, giving voice to people through voting. The conclusions suggest strategies for political parties to motivate involvement, focusing on voter dissatisfaction and encouraging involvement in campaigns. The government can improve voter registration and ease of voting between municipalities, ensuring continuous access to political news and debates to encourage political engagement. The study seeks to contribute to sustainable development by providing valuable insights for institutional entities, communities, political parties, and the scientific community seeking to expand their knowledge. The application of SEM allows for comprehensive analysis, emphasizing the importance of education, culture, and satisfaction in political involvement in Cabo Verde.

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