Aluno: GonÇalo Dias Quaresma
This paper assesses the possible contribution of monetary expansions for the existence
of expansionary fiscal consolidations, using annual panel data for 14 European Union
countries over the period 1970-2019. The paper adopts a two-fold approach: it combines
the usual CAPB approach used to identify fiscal consolidations with the narrative
approach, and extends this approach to include dummy variables for identifying monetary
expansions. A fiscal consolidation couple with a monetary expansion does produce little
evidence of non-Keynesian effects, thus, monetary expansions does not contribute for the
existence of expansionary fiscal consolidations. Moreover, Panel Probit estimations
suggest monetary developments even contribute negatively for success of fiscal
consolidations. For other success variables, duration and size contribute in a positive way
and expenditure based consolidations lead to a decrease in debt to GDP ratio.
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