Aluno: SimÃo Da GlÓria Gourgel
Societies all around the world are facing a demographic phenomenon called population
ageing. This change in population’s age composition has an enormous impact on the
economic activity, and as a result it also affects the amplitude of the business cycle. These
differences on the amplitude of the business cycles may occur through different channels,
such as changes in labor productivity, changes in risk aversion level, and through shifts on
the economic activity from the industry sector to the services sector for example. The change
in economic activity also implies different levels of exposure and sensitivity to international
economic shocks, which should correspondingly result in consumption patterns.
Since not all the forces exert pressure on volatility in a similar way, it is viable to proceed
with an empirical test in order to analyze the effect of population ageing on the volatility of
the cycle. The empirical strategy followed by in Guimarães and Tiryaki (2020), is here used
and expanded. Some differences to point out is that the share of older population is here
further divided in two sub-groups as their economic behavior and effect on economic activity
A sample of 30 European countries and 4 emerging economies are studied and based on the
data, is plausible to infer that population ageing have a negative impact on the cyclical
volatility of output, consumption, and investment.
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