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The impact of the World Bank Ease of Doing Business project on the internationalisation of Portuguese SMEs

Aluno: Firoz Magid Gulamo

This study investigates the Impact of the World Bank Ease of Doing Business (EDB) Project on the Internationalisation of Portuguese Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). Employing a quantitative methodology involving the administration of a questionnaire to SMEs, the research aims to understand the role of the EDB in facilitating internationalisation efforts. The primary findings of this study confirm all research hypotheses, revealing that SMEs with extensive internationalisation experience, those establishing international subsidiaries, and those dedicating more time to market analysis are more likely to actively utilise the EDB as an assessment tool. These results provide valuable insights for future research, suggesting the need to delve deeper into the underlying mechanisms of these relationships and explore how SMEs effectively incorporate the EDB into their global expansion strategies. This study also demonstrates that companies that use the World Bank Ease of Doing Business project as an assessment tool are more likely to achieve a higher level of success in their internationalisation activities. These results suggest that the EDB remains a valuable resource for companies seeking to enhance their internationalisation success. In conclusion, this research contributes to the understanding of the EDB's significance in the internationalisation of Portuguese SMEs, shedding light on the factors influencing its adoption as an assessment tool.

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