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Aluno: Leonardo Filipe Carvalho Bento

Transport plays a fundamental role in society and the economy, but much of the energy it consumes, comes from oil and its combustion emits greenhouse gases (GHGs) that are harmful to the environment. When defining a sustainable strategy, companies often mention incremental measures that aimed at optimising resources and consequently reducing emissions. However, the world requires more complex and profound changes, through a socio-technical transition towards a sustainable road transport sector. This work aims to implement a project to use biofuel as an alternative to conventional diesel. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) is a biofuel produced from waste that throughout its life cycle, generates significant reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2), less equivalent emissions of up to 90%. The aim is to understand the impact that biofuels can have on a socio-technical transition towards a sustainable road transport sector. Subsequently, to complete the information obtained through the implementation of the project, a semi-structured interview will be made to each company involved. The aim of the interviews is to understand the current efforts of the companies involved in the project in terms of sustainability and the current possibilities for a socio-technical transition towards a sustainable road transport sector. It is hoped that in the future there will be a range of energies, with little or no environmental impact, according to the resources available in each region, where waste should be seen as a resource. A socio-technical transition towards a sustainable transport sector is complex and slow, may require the adoption of disruptive technologies, changes in institutional strategies and in society's habits.

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