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Aluno: MÓnica Sofia Carreiro Sequeira

One of the biggest concerns to the organizations is having employees who have the best performance possible contributing for the organizational success. Observed incivility is a factor that directly effects both the individual and organizational performance, being, therefore, an increased concern to the organization, impacting the job satisfaction as well. This study intends to analyse the impact of observed incivility on the job satisfaction and task performance, using two mediation variables, trust in the manager and perceptions of just to understand if those variables have an impact in that relation. To carry out this study an online questionnaire was applied to professionals from different areas all around the globe, which resulted in a sample of 211 participants. To obtain a deeper understanding of the topic in this study 15 interviews were conducted. The survey results showed that majority of the participants observe low incivility, and that they are overall satisfied with their job, present a good task performance, trust in their manager and have a positive view regarding the perceptions of justice. It is possible the data shows the masculine participants gender is more likely to observe incivility well as well participants with a high school degree. The results showed as well, that when observed incivility increases, task performance and job satisfaction decrease, and that relation is mediated by perceptions of justice and trust in the manager. The interviews revealed that not all organizations have an institutionalized mechanism to denounce incivility, and that the most common observed incivility behaviours are "hiding information from colleagues" and "aggressive talking to an employee". These behaviours can have a negative impact on the employee's will to leave the company and can be recurrent or one-time only. When an employee observes someone perpetuating incivility, it can have a negative impact on the task performance and job satisfaction, as well as the relationship between the observer and the incivility perpetuator.

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