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Building a business intelligence model for a startup

Aluno: Gerard Najem

This project aims to create a full business intelligence process for the company “Steelouette” based in Lebanon. First, by creating a data model, to then integrate their data in it, and use it for creating dashboards that will give them insights and information regarding their financial numbers. This project would be considered as an asset for the company and could be developed to contain broader data. A conceptual and logical model were built based on discussions with the firm to understand their needs and the available data, then integrated it in the physical database, using a combination of 2 tools: Python and PostgreSQL. Later, dashboards have been created to highlight the main revenue numbers of the company using Power BI. The results from the project are going to be used most importantly to gather insights about the business and maximize revenue and eventually profit, but also to highlight the gaps in the data entry that might have an impact on it.

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