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Understanding Nike's customer satisfaction with delivery performance

Aluno: SebastiÃo Marques Antunes Cappelle Teixeira

Insights and analytics are more and more important as digital transformation completes its transition, with the possibility of every area within a business leveraging those same insights in their benefit. A part of those insights is consumer related and those can have an even greater impact, in an era where companies are increasingly calling themselves “customer-centric”. This report has the main goal of demonstrating the lessons learned during an internship that took place in Nike’s Supply Chain department, while also showcasing the value added to the team with insights from data analyses. More specifically, this work also focuses on a project that was conducted during the internship program, which focuses on the drivers of Nike’s customer satisfaction, from a Supply Chain perspective. The main objective of this initiative is to get the team closer to Nike’s digital consumer, through a better understanding of how CSAT behaves given different delivery performance scenarios. Such data is collected through a post purchase survey third party vendor and is analysed to answer the research question. After the analysis, it is concluded that delivery performance and subsequent delivery satisfaction have a significant impact in overall customer satisfaction, given the existent data. Some recommendations are made to improve the methods of gathering and further analysing this important piece of data. To finalize the report, other smaller projects that took place during the experience will be described as well, such as CSAT case studies during key retail moments, and competitor benchmarking analyses. While the master’s program in Data Analytics for Business in ISEG was crucial to provide the fundamentals of data analysis tools, this internship at NIKE, Inc. was a great compliment in enabling the development of critical and analytical thinking, through working with experienced professionals in the field.

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