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Blockchain and the Effectiveness of Impact Investment: the potential of Impact Tokens

Aluno: Giacomo Colombo

This dissertation examines the potential of impact tokens to improve impact investing. The study begins with a literature review that explores the current state of impact investing and the role that blockchain technology and tokenization can play in improving its effectiveness. The literature review highlights the benefits and challenges of impact tokens, including their ability to increase transparency and trust. The dissertation then presents a case study of a project in the impact investing space that could potentially use impact tokens to raise capital, spread know-how and encourage local communities to generate social impact. The analysis tries to demonstrate how impact tokens can provide a more efficient and effective way to mobilize capital for impact projects. Overall, the dissertation suggests that impact tokens have significant potential to improve impact investing by increasing transparency, reducing costs, and enabling a wider range of investors to participate in impact projects. However, the study also highlights the need for further research and development in this area, particularly around impact measurement and verification.

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