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Communicating the New ISEG Merchandising Store and Portfolio for Success: A Consulting Project

Aluno: Fernando GonÇalo Henriques Lopes

ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, assembled a group of Masters In Management students to consult on the development of a Merchandising Store for the institution. The client’s goal is to expand the ISEG brand, creating awareness within the population. To tackle the project, the consultants segmented the project into four core sections: Operations; Portfolio; Marketing; and Digital. This Communication-Oriented (Marketing) report recommends how the marketing strategy should be implemented and how the communication must be focused on the students, in order to be aligned with the new brand image of ISEG. The paper will analyze the marketing mix and the positioning of the brand; will also evaluate the existing communication strategy and do a recommendation based on inquiries, surveys, and assumptions. The communication sector is very wide, and it has the capacity of covering all areas of service, since every action can be comprehended as brand communication to the consumers and the reader will apprehend that information as the project concisely states its connections with each of the other sections. The end goal is to heavily expand the ISEG Brand so that it can boost its awareness in the academic universe and at an international level while maintaining its prestige and sustainability focus, all of this through the ISEG’STORE.

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