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Aluno: Mafalda Do Nascimento Chaves

The rising usage of the internet in many nations has revolutionized the way people socialize, learn, govern, and conduct business in recent years. E-commerce transactions are also increasing and are becoming a societal trend. The existence of a simple and convenient online shopping system may encourage impulsive buying behaviour. The digital revolution is the transition from a conventional shopping landscape to E-commerce in which goods and services are supplied electronically. Previous studies have found that online shopping behaviour can be influenced by impulse as well as reasoned considerations of the advantages of E-commerce. Due to the pandemic that we are currently experiencing, consumers' online behaviour has changed, and online purchases have increased. Therefore, it becomes crucial to analyse the factors that lead to online impulse purchases. To explore this topic three theories were used. Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)-based Web Trust Model to get an overview of the various stages of consumer behaviour when making a purchase, the S-O-R Framework to determine which factors influence online impulsive buying under the context of purchasing clothes and fashion products, and the Theory of Reasoned Action to understand the consequences of E-Impulsive Buying Behaviour. A quantitative method was adopted, based on information obtained through a survey with 261 participants. The research was evaluated using Partial Least Squares (PLS). The study’s findings indicated that Hedonic Social Motivation, Sales Promotion, Social Influence, and Website Security impact E-Impulsive Buying Behaviour. Nevertheless, Website Navigability, Website Visual Appeal, Perceived Website Quality, and Personalized Advertising concluded that the effect is not statistically relevant. Additionally, the outcomes of this investigation indicated that consumers’ E-Impulsive Buying Behaviour has an immediate effect on Regret, and it has no influence on Complain, as this variable was rejected. However, post-purchase regret of online customers who have previously made impulsive purchases may impact their complaint behaviour. It was also stated that complain affects both variables, Return Intention and Return Tendency. Lastly, it was confirmed that between refunding and exchanging products, the most usual is to exchange them.

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