Aluno: Daniel Alexandre Tavares Da Silva
ISEG – Lisbon School of Economics and Management, assembled a group of MIM students
to consult on the development of a Merchandising Store for the institution. The client’s goal is to
expand the ISEG brand, creating awareness within the population. To tackle the project, the
consultants segmented the project into four core sections: Operations; Portfolio; Marketing; and
Digital, all of which were either under-developedor even non-existent. This Operations-Oriented
report recommends where the store should be assembled and how it should be organized and
function while supporting the other departments. The paper will analyze the process; map out
each one of them; take acloser look at the existing patterns and offer the best adjustments based
on inquiries, surveys, and assumptions; and implement new strategies; areas, and services with
the intent of presenting concise results that mirror the presented recommendation.
The Operations sector is very broad, and it has the capability of covering all areas of service,
and the reader will apprehend that information as the project concisely states its interceptions with
each of the other sections.
The end goal is to heavily expand the ISEG’STORE to attract people to the ISEG Brand so
that it can boost its knowledgeability and accessibility in the market while looking to implement
sustainable recommendations.
Trabalho final de Mestrado