Aluno: Carolina Melo AmbrÓsio Silva PinhÃo
As employment demographics and environments change, organizational justice, work-family balance, and stress are becoming increasingly important topics of study in the modern workplace. It is essential to study the relationship between organizational justice, work-family balance, and stress, because it contributes to employee well-being, retention, productivity, organizational effectiveness, and legal/ethical compliance. It is possible for organizations to create a supportive work environment that benefits both employees and the organization at large by understanding these dynamics.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the direct and indirect effects of organizational justice on employee stress, with work-family balance serving as a mediator. A questionnaire with measures about stress, work-family balance, and organizational justice was administered to a sample of 50 participants. Regression analysis was used to investigate the direct effects, while Baron and Kenny's Mediation Analysis was used to analyse the mediating relation.
Regarding the direct influence of perceptions of organizational justice on stress, the results showed no evidence of them existing, since the variables lacked statistical significance. However, the findings found statistical significance on a direct impact of perceptions of organizational justice on work-family balance, proposing that higher levels of perceived organizational justice are associated with better work-family balance.
Regarding the mediating relation, considering work-family balance, the results also did not prove its existence, since the variables did not show statistical significance.
Linked to sustainable development goals, promoting organizational justice and work-family balance aligns with various SDGs, including Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), in the way that the study discusses aspects of stress and mental health, which are integral to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. A decent work environment requires organizational justice and work-family balance, which are key components of Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth). Finally, Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) emphasizes how organizational justice plays a crucial role in reducing inequalities within organizations.
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