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Business to Consumer: E-commerce best practice Amazon

Aluno: Maurice Ballouza

The e-commerce market has become increasingly important in recent years. Covid-19 in particular has accelerated this once again, as even everyday items have now been purchased more frequently via e-commerce. There are many large e- commerce retailers in the world. But these differ from country to country. Except Amazon. Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world and is by far the largest e-commerce retailer in Europe. One of Amazon's guarantees of success is its prices and deal events. The report is based on an internship at Amazon EU Sarl. The internship was completed in the retail area of Amazon EU Sarl, as Customer Success Manager. Here the main tasks were to support the vendors in the cooperation with Amazon. The report is based on a literature review, which deals with e-commerce in general and also takes a closer look at deal strategies, perceived risks and consumer profiles. Subsequently, the company Amazon is introduced, and the main tasks and projects of the internship are presented. With these collected experiences the underlying theory could be compared with the Amazon strategy in parts. Here it became clear that Amazon does not exceed the critical discount limit and thus offers attractive deals to the customer. In addition, it became clear that by providing a lot of information, through customer reviews and cooperation with large payment intermediaries, the perceived risks that can occur when shopping online are counteracted as far as possible.

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