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Social Entrepreneurship Towards a Sustainable Development: The Case of Ace Services Supply

Aluno: Sofia Candia

Social entrepreneurship has been the focus of significant attention in the literature. This stems from its importance in addressing social problems and enriching communities and societies. This research investigates the current definitions on social entrepreneurship, identifying the importance of this model which has been one of the most prominent support to the UNs’ Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, it is presented Zahra et al. (2009) framework on three typologies of entrepreneurs that lead to the discovery of opportunities for creating social ventures, the Social Bricoleur, the Social Constructionist and the Social Engineer; and the SDGs which can be impacted by each archetype. A single case-study analysis was performed on the example of ACE Services Supply (ACE), incorporating evidence from the company unpublished documents and the observation process, which took place during the internship period. The aim is to analyze the impact on the local communities of the Amazon rainforest accomplished by ACE and classify the typology of social entrepreneurial venture according to the resources available, the scale and the purpose. As a result, it emerged that ACE is identified with the typology of Social Bricoleur company, strongly efficient in impacting the local needs mainly thanks to the expertise and knowledge of the founders on the specific communities. It is recognized which SDGs have been supported by ACE’s actions and initiatives.

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