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Aluno: Silvia Juliana Castro Mesa

This project explores the importance of transitioning to renewable energy sources, due to the strong environmental impacts of industrialization and fossil fuel consumption. Within ISEG’s framework, several initiatives implemented in recent years reflect a holistic approach to sustainability, covering waste management, community awareness, academic integration, and carbon emissions inventory (ISEG, 2023). The university is committed to promoting strategies that can help mitigate climate change, including the integration of renewable energy technologies within the campus, to align with both Portuguese and United Nations 2030 sustainability goals. With this in mind, the main purpose of this study is to propose the adoption of photovoltaic (PV) panels at ISEG, due to their cost-effectiveness and promising forecasts that have positioned this technology as a key energy source of the future. To achieve this objective, the study employed secondary data research methodologies, including a thorough literature review, ongoing discussions with ISEG’s staff, and the analysis of historical data. Additionally, the technical and economic viability was examined, identifying the main drivers and potential drawbacks of this technology. Furthermore, two scenarios were analyzed to simulate the number of panels needed to achieve a minimum of 10% renewable energy production by 2030, as stipulated by the Portuguese Energy Efficiency Program in Public Administration (ECO.AP). The results revealed that ISEG has the rooftop infrastructure and geographical location to even surpass this target by strategically deploying solar panels in underutilized areas across the campus. In this context, the solar PV initiative not only contributes to reducing the university’s carbon footprint and optimizing its energy efficiency but also fosters an environmental stewardship culture focused on promoting sustainable practices within the entire ISEG’s academic community.

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