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Seminários e Conferências

2015 European Security Conference

01 Jun / 02 Jun das 10:00 às 00:00


The  2015 European Security Conference is scheduled for   June 1-2, 2015, in Lisbon, Portugal. The Conference is the European extension of the Annual Security Conference that has been held in Las Vegas (USA) for over a decade. The conference attracts a nice mix of participants from academia, government and industry. Organizers for the 2015 event is ISEG, University of Lisbon (Portugal). Administrative offices for the conference are at ISEG, University of Lisbon.

Conference theme for 2015 is:  Security in the Internet of Things


Honorary Chairs

Gurpreet Dhillon,  Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Mario Caldeira,  ISEG University of Lisboa, Portugal

Carlos Salema,   IST University of Lisboa, Portugal

Conference Co-Chairs

Spyridon Samonas,   Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Karin Hedstrom, Orebro University, Sweden

Filipe de Sá-Soares,  University of Minho, Portugal

Program Chairs

Fredrik Karlson, Orebro University

Mario Romāo,   ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal


Organizing  Chair Sergio Nunes,   ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal

Program Committee

Gurpreet Dhillon,  Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Mario Caldeira,  ISEG University of Lisboa, Portugal

Ian Angell,   London School of Economics, UK

Spyridon Samonas,   Virginia Commonwealth University, USA

Karin Hedstrom,   Orebro University, Sweden

Filipe de Sá-Soares,  University of Minho, Portugal

Fredrik Karlson,  Orebro University, Sweden

Mario Romāo,   ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal

Yasser Omar,  ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal

Sergio Nunes,   ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal

Carlos Salema,   IST University of Lisboa, Portugal

Eduardo Vera Cruz,   University of Lisboa, Portugal

Stefan Beißel,   EUFH, Germany

Nancy Russo,  Northern Illinois University, USA

David L. Coss,   Virginia State University, USA

Ella Kolkowska,   Orebro University, Sweden

See who else is attending. Join the European Security Conference social community   here



Further Information
