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Cursos e Workshops

7th Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing and a Special Issue in the Journal of the Economics of Ageing

29 Out / 30 Out 2021 from 08:30 to 12:30

The 7th Workshop on the Socio-Economics of Ageing and a Special Issue in the Journal of the Economics of Ageing will take place at ISEG on the 29th and 30th of October, 2021.

The main theme of this workshop will be long-term and informal care. As populations age, the demand for long-term care services (such as nursing services, personal care, and assistance with domestic tasks) is expected to continue to increase. It is recognised that such services are essential for the welfare of many older people. Most long-term care for the elderly is currently provided by informal carers, who are often family members. Such caregivers face many challenges, including how to balance family life and employment with their caregiving responsibilities.

Long-term care is also provided by formal services, including residential care homes and home-based care, such as community nursing and home-help services. In many countries, there are concerns about by how much the level of long-term care expenditure will have to rise to meet the demands of an increasingly older population, mirroring the similar concerns regarding future expenditure on pensions and health care.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss topics such as:

  • Changes in the demand for long-term care
  • Long-term Healthcare expenditures for care
  • Funding systems (including international comparisons)
  • The consequences of informal care for caregivers (e.g., health and employment)
  • Policies to cope with the increasing demand for long-term care
  • The supply of long-term care and the role of migration
  • The effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on long-term and informal care

Although the main theme of the workshop will be long-term and informal care, we also invite papers on any topic in the field of the economics of ageing.

Consult the full programme here.

Further information available here