Os ISEG Research Seminars estão de volta! O primeiro seminário deste ciclo realiza-se no dia 11 de setembro.
Inês Carvalho, do ISEG, irá apresentar o artigo “Advertising effectiveness of ads written by AI, human, and hybrid human-AI collaboration“.
A sessão decorre das 13h00 às 14h00, no Anfiteatro 3 (Edifício Quelhas, piso 4).
Entrada livre.
We compare the effectiveness of human-generated, AI-generated (ChatGPT), and hybrid promotional texts using the AIEDA model incorporating anticipated emotions from the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior. We applied SEM-PLS and other inferential statistics to analyze whether 455 participants from the UK could differentiate between these texts and compare promotional effectiveness. Respondents were not able to distinguish between the texts. However, the human-generated text was consistently less preferred. Effectiveness perceptions declined as participants suspected AI authorship, regardless of the text’s actual source. The AIEDA model incorporating positive and negative anticipated emotions proved to be effective in the three scenarios created.