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ISEG Research Seminar | The effect of range of outcomes and magnitude of rewards on lying behavior in anonymous dice-under-cup trials

19 Out from 13:00 to 14:00
Anfiteatro Novo Banco

No dia 19 de outubro, o professor Carlos Lourenço (ISEG) apresenta no ISEG o estudo “The effect of range of outcomes and magnitude of rewards on lying behavior in anonymous dice-under-cup trials”.


We examine the effect of changing the structure of the lying opportunity by conducting a laboratory experiment. In particular, we vary the range of possible false outcomes and the magnitude of rewards. We apply the dice-under-cup paradigm which uses anonymous dice rolls to record actual lying behavior by comparing the distribution of participants stated outcomes to the expected statistical distribution of dice roll outcomes. We find that although some small changes in lying behavior can be achieved with an increase in the possible range of outcomes and by exponentially increasing rewards, lying behavior is generally robust to changes in the lying opportunity structure. Our study concludes that lying behavior seems to be driven by the aim to achieve a certain payoff regardless of conditions.

Working paper aqui.

Os seminários de investigação decorrem de 21 de setembro a 14 de dezembro, às quartas-feiras, das 13h00 às 14h00, no Anfiteatro Novo Banco (Edifício Quelhas, 4º piso).

As sessões contam com a participação de docentes do ISEG e de outras escolas nacionais e internacionais, onde serão abordados tópicos relacionados com a Economia, Gestão, Finanças, Ciências Sociais e Matemática.

Entrada livre.

Cartaz (pdf)