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Seminário de Doutoramento | Explaining wage differentials in the female-dominated long-term care sector: Evidence from Portugal

12 Jun 2023 from 11:00 to 12:00
ISEG, Sala IAPMEI (Edifício Quelhas)

No dia 12 de junho, tem lugar um seminário com o tema “Explaining wage differentials in the female-dominated long-term care sector: Evidence from Portugal”, que será apresentado por Viktoria Szenkurök, uma economista de formação que trabalha como professora e investigadora associada (prae-doc) na Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Os seus interesses de investigação centram-se nas desigualdades, na economia do envelhecimento e nos cuidados de longa duração. Atualmente, está a tirar um doutoramento que se debruça nas diferenças internas e entre países na utilização e prestação de cuidados de longa duração a idosos.

The aim of this study is to uncover potential drivers of wage differentials in the long-term care sector and to assess how these compare to other female-dominated ‘caring’ sectors (child care, health care and social work) in Portugal. We utilize matched employer-employee data from Quadros de Pessoal in 2021, employing a multilevel framework to identify wage gaps and potential contributing factors. Our preliminary findings reveal that the LTC sector exhibits the lowest average pay among all caring occupations. However, upon accounting for various individual- and firm-level factors, a more nuanced picture emerges. In addition, male workers in LTC performing personal care activities suffer from a significant wage penalty (compared to women). These findings hold substantial policy relevance, as improving working conditions, including higher pay, can enhance the sector’s attractiveness for both genders and ensure an adequate supply.