Amélia Branco is an Associate Professor with Aggregation in the Department of Social Sciences of ISEG (Lisbon School of Economics & Management, ULisboa, Portugal) and a researcher of CSG – Research in Social Sciences and Management, and an integrated member at GHES - research centre of Economic and Social History. Her main areas of expertise are economic and business history, with a focus on natural resources and connected industries.
Amélia is a professor of Economic and Business History at ISEG. Although her Ph.D. degree is in Economic and Social History (2005), part of her academic path was in economics, holding a master's degree in economics in natural resources, environment, and energy. Her main research area took her to the College of Food, Farming and Forestry (2013), an interdisciplinary network of ULisboa. This platform allowed her to develop research and teaching projects in an interdisciplinary way. She became a member of the coordination team of the PhD of Sustainability Science – Resources, Food and Society (since 2018) and also of the Master in Design for Sustainability (since 2020). Building bridges across disciplinary fields is part of the role of coordination.
Today, Amélia is an academic and researcher in sustainability, seeking to place history and the long-run approach in research related to the environment and natural resources with the highlighting on the Portuguese forestry sector in the 19th and 20th centuries.
2022 | Aggregation, Social Sciences, History ISEG (Portugal) |
2005 | Doutoramento em História Económica e Social Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (Portugal) |
Publications & Citations
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2024 | School and family ecosystem: Incentives and barriers to school–family communication European Journal of Education |
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2023 | Mediterranean diet adherence and nutritional literacy: an observational cross-sectional study of the reality of university students in a COVID-19 pandemic context BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health |
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2022 | COVID-19 and Lockdown, as Lived and Felt by University Students INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH |
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2022 | Chronic Conditions and School Participation of First-Year University Students—HOUSE ULisbon Study Children |
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2020 | ¿Protegieron Salazar y Franco sus industrias corcheras? Aranceles y política aduanera en España y Portugal, 1930-1975 LER HISTORIA |
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2019 | Aglomeración industrial y desarrollo regional. Los Sistemas Productivos Locales en Portugal EURE - Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales |
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2018 | Cluster and Business performance: Historical Evidence from Portuguese Cork Industry Investigaciones de Historia Económica |
2016 | Cambios de localización de la industria corchera mundial. Una perspectiva historica Revista de Estudios Regionales |
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2013 | The Clustering of Cork Firms in Santa Maria da Feira: Why History Matters International Journal Of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences |
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2010 | Was the Portuguese Forest Policy a contribution towards economic modernization? The case of the Paper Pulp Industry during Estado Novo (1930-1974) Revista de História Industrial |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2012 | Echoes From the Past: Portuguese Stabilizations of the 1890s and 1920s Working Paper 47, GHES, ISEG |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2019 | Inquiry in higher education: an example of crossing disciplinary knowledge boundaries |
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2019 | Contribution to contextualize sustainability at a school of economic management |
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2019 | La emergencia de los distritos rurales en Extremadura. Economías de aglomeracíon en entornos de baja densidad empresarial |
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2019 | Chapter 19 – Demographic change, 18002000: Population growth, distribution, and education |
2018 | The internationalization in the cork business. An historical analysis of leading family firms |
2018 | Redes de comercialización de la empresa familiar Reynolds. Una estratégia de éxito para competir en los mercados inernacionales |
2018 | Microstructure and performance of stock exchange markets: the Lisbon Stock Exchange, 1837-1913 |
2017 | Patrón de Internacionalización de las Empresas Corcheras en una Perspectiva Histórica |
2017 | Capital Markets in Portugal, 1837-1913 |
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2017 | A Educação e a Investigação nas áreas de Economia e Gestão apra a Ciência da Sustentabilidade |
2017 | Redes para el aprovisionamento de corcho y la internacionalización: el capital social generado por la empresa familiar Reynolds, 1822-1906 |
2017 | "Food" for thought: Creating education for sustainable future |
2017 | "El papel de las redes comerciales y Puertos Internacionales para la internscionalización en negocio corchero durante el siglo XIX. El cason de la empresa familiar Reynolds |
2016 | La influencia del efecto regional y efecto familiar en la internacionalización de las empresas familiares corcheras |
2016 | Causes of success and failure in the Iberian Cork Business: the Historical path of four family firms |
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2016 | La influencia del efecto regional y efecto familiar en la internacionalización de las empresas familiares corcheras |
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2015 | Estatísticas florestais em Portugal no século XIX e XX: cortiça, resina e material lenhoso |
2014 | Determinants of Success and Failure in the Internationalisation of the Cork Business: a Tale of Two Iberian Family Firms |
2014 | Determinants of Success and Failure in the Internationalisation of the Cork Business: a Tale of Two Iberian Family Firms |
2014 | Determinants of Success and Failure in the Internationalisation of the Cork Business: a Tale of Two Iberian Family Firms |
2013 | Índice de Cotações da Bolsa de Lisboa (1870-1913) |
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2012 | Echoes From the Past: Portuguese Stabilizations of the 1890s and 1920s |
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2012 | Portuguese Capital Markets (1870-1914): a first approach to the Lisbon Stock Exchange (BVL) |
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2012 | Portuguese Capital Markets (1870-1914): a first approach to the Lisbon Stock Exchange (BVL) |
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2010 | Financial markets in small and peripheral countries: Lisbon Stock Exchange (1870-1910) |
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2010 | Monetary Policy during two Crises in a Semi-Peripheral Economy - Portugal, 1891 and 1929 |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2022 | Contextualização da valorização da biomassa florestal: Determinantes a considerar na localização de pequenas centrais de biomassa Universidad de Extremadura. Servicio de Publicaciones |
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2021 | Inquiry Based Learning and Responsible Research and Innovation: Examples of Interdisciplinary Approaches at Different Schooling Levels Springer Nature Switzerland |
2016 | Determinants of Sucess and Failure in the Internationalization of the Cork Business: A Tale of Two Iberian Family Firms Euroasian Studies in Business and Economics |
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Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2024 | Population Growth, Composition and Educational Levels Cambridge University Press |
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2021 | The role of large companies in the cork exploitation of dehesas and montados Routledge |
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2021 | Inquiry Based Learning and Responsible Research and Innovation: Examples of Interdisciplinary Approaches at Different Schooling Levels Springer International Publishing |
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2020 | Demographic change, 1800-2000: Population growth, distribution, and education Cambridge University Press |
2018 | From backward to Modern: The Adoption of Technology by the Pulp Industry in Portugal, 1891-2015 Springer |
2018 | Redes Comerciales Y Puertos Internationales para el negocio Corchero en el siglo XIX. EL caso de la empresa familiar Reynolds Dykinson, S. L: |
2017 | Agriculture, institutional change and international trade, 1820-1930 Editora Brill |
2017 | Echoes from the past: Portuguese adjustments of the 1890s and 1920s Almedina |
2017 | From A Portuguese Small Firm to World Leader in the Cork Business: The Role of the Internationalization of Corticeira Amorim to Spain Marché&Organisations |
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Semester | Course | Degree | Coordinator |
2º | História do Pensamento Económico | Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia | No |
2º | História Económica e Empresarial | Licenciatura Bolonha em Estudos Gerais - Estudos Gerais, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão | No |
1º | História Económica e Empresarial | Licenciatura Bolonha em Estudos Gerais - Estudos Gerais, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia | No |
1º | Metodologias de Investigação | Doutoramento Bolonha em História Económica e Social - História Económica e Social | Yes |
1º | Seminário I | Doutoramento Bolonha em História Económica e Social - História Económica e Social | No |
Year | Student Name / Title / Institution | Supervision Type | Link |
Master | Ver |
2016/2017 | PEDRO JOÃO SOUSA CONDE As determinantes das exportações da indústria de lacticínios: uma análise com dados de painel |
Master | Ver |
2014/2015 | MIGUEL DA COSTA CORADO A Stock Market Index of a Peripheral Economy: the Case of Portuguese Banking Sector (1870-1913) |
Master | Ver |
2014/2015 | SOFIA ALEXANDRA AMARO MATOS Determinantes da rendibilidade na Indústria Alimentar. O caso português. |
Master | Ver |
2012/2013 | JOÃO CARLOS DA SILVA JORGE ANTUNES "A Bolsa de valores de Lisboa e a crise bancária de 1876" |
Master | Ver |
2012/2013 | VANESSA VENDA MARQUES "Exportações e competitividade: a Indústria do Calçado em Portugal". |
Master | Ver |
2011/2012 | AFONSO EDUARDO LOUREIRO VAZ SERRA Avaliação do impacto da crise de 2009 no setor do comércio automóvel |
Master | Ver |
2011/2012 | MIGUEL ÂNGELO PATRÃO COELHO BAHUTO FÉLIX Análise económica e financeira do comércio por grosso e a retalho em Portugal |
Master | Ver |
2010/2011 | JOANA SALEMA PINTO BASTO O sector da Cortiça em Portugal |
Master | Ver |
2010/2011 | ANDRE FRANCO CARVALHO SANTOS O sector da Pasta e do Papel em Portugal |
Master | Ver |
2010/2011 | NINA MIKHAILOVNA MIKHNYA Análise das exportações portuguesas de pasta e papel no contexto da União Europeia |
Master | Ver |
Professional Experience
Name / Description | Date | Organization |
Coordenação da Área Científica de História |
2022 | ISEG |
Membro da Comissão Exevutiva do Departamento |
2022 | ISEG |
Membro do Conselho Científico do ISEG em representação do GHES |
2022 | ISEG |
Vice-Presidente da Comissão Eleitoral para os Representantes dos Alunos |
2018 | ISEG |
Vice-Presidente da Comissão Eleitoral |
2018 | ISEG |
Coordenador de curso do Doutoramento das Ciências da Sustentabilidade Coordenador de curso |
2018 | Universidade de Lisboa |