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Idalina Dias Sardinha

Professora Associada Convidada
Ciências Sociais
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2004 Doctorat, Science, Ciências Naturais
Universidade de Amsterdão (Netherlands)
1992 Master of Science, Ingénierie, Gestion des operations Life Cycle Assessment of Products: Case study of Tiles
Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (Switzerland)
1991 Bachelor of Science, Science, Geologie
Lisbon University (Portugal)

Publications & Citations

Paper presented at academic or professional meetings
Year Title / Publication Link
2023 Sustainable Value Creation in Space, Land, and Green Economy
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2021 A Collaborative Approach to Build Teaching Materials on Local and Sustainable Food Systems for Vocational European Schools
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2019 Contribution to contextualize sustainability at a school of economic management
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2017 A Educação e a Investigação nas áreas de Economia e Gestão apra a Ciência da Sustentabilidade
2017 "Food" for thought: Creating education for sustainable future
2011 Trends in Research on Social Responsibility. XI Congress of Environmental Engineering, Environmental Certification and Social Responsibility in Organizations. 20-21 May 2011, Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies, Lisbon
Journal article
Year Title / Publication Link
2024 Linking Drivers of Food Insecurity and Ecosystem Services in Africa
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems - Land, livelihoods and food security, Switzerland
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2021 Exploring mining multinational resettlements and corporate social responsibility in emerging economies: the case of the company VALE, SA in Mozambique
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal
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2018 Descrição de uma Abordagem Participada com Vista ao Redesenvolvimento da Mina de São Domingos
Análise Social
2018 The Clustering Conditions for Managing Creative Tourism Destinations: The Alqueva Region Case, Portugal
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Taylor & Francis Group, Carfax Publishing Ltd. Impact Factor/2015: 1.710; FIISEG/2016(B); SJR: 0.71.
2017 The Clustering Conditions for Managing Creative Tourism Destinations: The Alqueva Region Case, Portugal
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
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2015 Twenty Years after the Porter Report for Portugal.
Competitiveness Review
2015 Perceived Impact of the Alqueva Dam on Regional Tourism Development.
Tourism Planning and Development, Routledge
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2014 Rescue archaeology heritage valuation in Europe’s largest dam - Alqueva: ex-situ products as elements of creative tourism
The Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage
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2013 A sustainability framework for redevelopment of rural brownfields: Stakeholder participation at São Domingos Mine, Portugal
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier BV
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2012 The effect of corporate social responsibility on consumer satisfaction and perceived value: the case of the automobile industry sector in Portugal
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier BV
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2011 Using corporate social responsibility benchmarking framework to identify and assess corporate social responsibility trends of real estate companies owning and developing shopping centres
Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier BV
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2007 Developing sustainability balanced scorecards for environmental services: A study of three large Portuguese companies. Environmental Quality Management
Environmental Quality Management
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2005 Evaluating environmental and social performance of large Portuguese companies: a balanced scorecard approach
Business Strategy and the Environment
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2002 From environmental performance evaluation to eco-efficiency and sustainability balanced scorecards: a study of companies operating in Portugal.
Environmental Quality Management
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2001 Environmental performance evaluation and sustainability performance evaluation of companies: an evolutionary framework
Eco-Management and Auditing (current title Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management)
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Year Title / Publication Link
2022 Managing Stakeholder Relationships within Corporate Social Responsibility Communication.
Routledge (Taylor and Francis Group)
2018 A Valorização das Ciências Sociais e Humanas e o seu Vínculo com a Ciência da Sustentabilidade
Universidade de Lisboa, Almedina
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2016 The hierarchical gap: bypassing communication barriers to build collaborative processes for value co-creation in rural settings
Meeting Challenges for Rural Tourism through Co-Creation of Sustainable Tourist Experiences. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
2016 A arqueologia de salvamento: que valor para a sociedade?
2010 The REHMINE research project: the threefold value of São Domingos abandoned mine rehabilitation in southern Portugal
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and C.N. Brooks, Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, USA
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Others contributions
Year Title / Publication Link
2017 Como promover os serviços de ecossistema na agricultura usando a biodiversidade: o caso de estudo da perceção da fileira da vinha
CULTIVAR, cadernos de analise e prospetiva,
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2016 Monitoria e Avaliação Ambiental. Programa de capacitação em matéria de política de protecção ambiental e social-Projecto de Assistência Técnica ao Sector das Indústrias Extractivas da Guiné Bissau (PATSIE)
World Bank
2016 Mineração Artesanal e de Pequena Escala (MAPE). Programa de capacitação em matéria de política de protecção ambiental e social-Projecto de Assistência Técnica ao Sector das Indústrias Extractivas da Guiné Bissau (PATSIE),
World Bank
2009 Eficácia dos Relatórios de Sustentabilidade das Empresas Portuguesas. Cadernos Sociedade e Trabalho nº11
Gabinete de Estratégia e Planeamento - Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade Social
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2009 Responsabilidade social no ensino e na prática da gestão empresarial.
Revista DIRIGIR. Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional.
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2009 Report: University Lecturers - Ethics, Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Portuguese Universities
2006 Responsabilidade Social, Inovação e Competitividade
2005 Responsabilidade social nas empresas: A sua contribuição para o desenvolvimento sustentável. APEA 20 Anos, 20 Temas, Ed.
Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia do Ambiente
Book editor
Year Title / Publication Link
2018 Utopia, Anarquia e Sociedade: Escritos em Homenagem a José Maria Carvalho Ferreira
Technical reports related to funded research project
Year Title / Publication Link
2022 Survey and assessment toolbox for data collection
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2019 Local and Sustainable Food Systems (LSFSs)
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2019 Understanding what Kind of Tools are Needed to Teach Local and Sustainable Food Systems
2019 Comparative analysis - Local and Sustainable Food Systems (LSFSs) in Austria, France, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia
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2019 Comparative analysis - Innovative Pedagogical Practices in Vocational Education and Training in Austria, France, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia - Coordinated by University of Maribor, project Teaching local and sustainable food systems, EducLocalFOOD, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048160, Erasmus+, EU
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2019 What are Local and Sustainable Food Systems (LSFSs)- Portugal (UL), project Teaching local and sustainable food systems, EducLocalFOOD, 2018-1-FR01-KA202-048160, Erasmus+, EU.
See more
2018 Report of the Questionnaire on the needs in the use of agrobiodiversity information. GBIF Portugal, GBIF Spain and College F3: Food, Farming and Forestry of the University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal,
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
Year Title / Publication Link
2024 Linking drivers of food insecurity and ecosystem services in Africa, at session: Forest and trees; ecosystem services,
2023 Sustainable stakeholders’ relationship management under corporate social responsibility
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2022 Contextualização da valorização da biomassa florestal: Determinantes a considerar na localização de pequenas centrais de biomassa
Universidad de Extremadura. Servicio de Publicaciones
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2018 . Interaction processes and corporate social responsibility communication: a conceptual framework within stakeholder relationships
IMP Journal Seminar
2011 Carolino, J., Dias Sardinha, I. Finding new vocations for a post-mining landscape. The case of the São Domingos environmental rehabilitation (Southern Alentejo, Portugal). SIEF 2011 – People Make Places - ways of feeling the world, the 10th international SIEF congress, Panel Title: Negotiating environmental conflicts: local communities, global policies
SIEF 2011
2009 Sustainability Strategy for the Portuguese State Owned Postal Firm CTT - CORREIOS DE PORTUGAL, S.A. 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association - ESA2009 - European Society or European Societies? RN12 Environment and society, Corporate Governance
9th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA)
1997 Position of entrepreneurs in Mozambique on the implementation of the Environment Law. FEMA (Fórum Empresarial para o Meio Ambiente) and UNDP
FEMA (Fórum Empresarial para o Meio Ambiente) and UNDP
1994 Ecolabeling of Particleboard Black Cork. Life Cycle Assessment of Products. 4th National Conference on Environmental Quality.
National Conference on Environmental Quality
Miscellaneous Research Paper
Year Title / Publication Link
Amélia Branco; Ricardo Rodrigues; Idalina Dias Sardinha; Carlos Oliveira; Sandra Faustino. Contextualização da valorização de biomassa florestal: determinantes a considerar na localização de pequenas centrais de biomassa. Congresso Internacional “Os objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável: Problemas e Desafios para uma agenda multidisciplinar”, ISEG
Invited in academic conference
Year Title / Publication Link
2019 Burguete, T., Dias Sardinha, I. and Baptista, C., 2019. Corporate Social Responsibility Communication and Interaction Processes Toward Sustainable Brownfields Development. ESA – 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, United Kingdom.
2019 Burguete, T., Dias Sardinha, I. and Baptista, C., 2019. Responsible Mining Towards Responsible Legacy. DCE2019 – 3rd Doctoral Congress in Engineering, Porto, Portugal.
2019 Social Responsibility in Organizations, EWMD, Portugal, European Women’s Management Development, 10 September 2009
2018 Interaction Processes and Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: A Conceptual Framework within Stakeholder Relationships. IMP Journal Seminar, Rennes School of Business, 3rd to 4th May 2018, France.
2017 Dilemmas and Returns of Sustainability Projects in the Light of the Science of Sustainability. 23rd annual conf., The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Universidad de los Andes School of Management (UASM), in Bogotá, Colombia, June 14-16, 2017
2017 Dias-Sardinha, I. et al. Stakeholders 'Auscultation on the Needs and Typologies of Agrobiodiversity Data through the Value Chain of the Vineyard and Wine Sector in Alentejo, Portugal. 23rd annual conference, The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), Universidad de los Andes School of Management (UASM), in Bogotá, Colombia, June 14-16, 2017.
2016 Clustering in creative tourism destination management for the Alqueva dam, Alentejo region, Portugal, 22nd International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Conference, 13-15 July, Lisbon 2016.
2014 Criatividade e clustering na valorização turística em arqueologia de salvamento. 12º Colóquio ERA Arqueologia – Arqueologia em Sociedade, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), 16 May 2014, Lisboa.
2012 REHMINE Project - Results. The convergence of the numerous contributions and approaches in the process of sustainable development of the São Domingos Mine, Republican Center, São Domingos Mine, 8 June 2012.
2011 Topics for Assessing the Total Value of Mine Rehabilitation Projects: The Case of São Domingos Mine. 17th Congress of the APDR Common Asset Management and Sustainable Regional Development, Bragança – Zamora, 22 July – 2 June 2011
2011 The social and economic value of abandoned mine rehabilitation projects: the case of S. Domingos mine. 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference proceedings, Athens, Greece 16-19 March 2011.
2011 From mining to tourism in peripheral Alentejo. An approach to landscape as the manifestation of intangible processes. On the Surface: The Heritage of Mines and Mining, Innsbruck, Austria 14-16 April 2011.
2010 The REHMINE research project: the threefold value of São Domingos abandoned mine rehabilitation in southern Portugal. Brownfields 2010: Fifth International Conference on Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfields Sites, Carvoeiro, 14-16 September 2010.
2010 Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility for Consumer Satisfaction and Brand Perceived Value. Conference on Corporate Governance, Innovation, Social and Environmental Responsibility - GIRA 2010. ISCTE-Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, 9-10 Sep. 2010.
2010 Social responsibility benchmarking of the commercial centres (and chair) – real estate sector, 9th International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR and Global Governance, Zagreb, Croatia, 16-18 June 2010.
2010 Dias Sardinha, I., and RSEPortugal, Best practices real estate in Portugal, BRC project’s final conference BRC-BUILDING RESPONSIBLE COMPETITIVENESS, Corporate Social Responsibility and competitiveness in the construction sector. Project sponsored by the European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry, Grant Agreement N. SI2.ACGRACE020970800, Bologna, Italia, 28th April 2010
2010 RSEPortugal, Best practices real estate in Portugal, BRC project’s final conference BRC-BUILDING RESPONSIBLE COMPETITIVENESS Corporate Social Responsibility and competitiveness in the construction sector Project sponsored by the European Commission – DG Enterprise and Industry, Grant Agreement N. SI2.ACGRACE020970800, 28th of April 2010, Bologna, Italia.
2010 Social Responsibility in Organizations, Advanced Training Seminar, PhD Program in Economic and Organizational Sociology, SOCIUS / ISEG. 22 April 2010
2009 RS Instruments, Facilitators Training for RS Enterprise, Equal, CSR, Portugal, 22 June to 1 July 2009.
2009 CSR and Education. Intensive Training for Young European Entrepreneurs, 2nd stage IP/2008-2010 IADE. Portuguese Communications Foundation, 23 March 2009.
2008 Social responsibility in business. Environment in Organizations - Responsibility and Innovation. Faculty of Science and Technology, Environmental Engineering, 19 May 2008.
2008 Social Responsibility and Integrated Management System. “PREVENIR INOVANDO” - III Technical Journeys SHST, of ANA, S.A., Albufeira: 28-29 April 2008.
2007 Corporate Social Responsibility: Strategic Assessment of Sustainability. Seminars Masters. Azores University and CEEApIA, Portugal: 18 January 2007
2005 Seminars in the Industrial Ecology chair, master’s in engineering and Design and master’s in policy and Technology Management of ISTs and Mechanical Engineering degree, October 2005
2004 Performance evaluation of strategic sustainability: The case of Portuguese companies. 8th National Conference on Environment. CCB, Portugal, Lisbon: 27-29 October 2004
2001 Queiroga-Bento, R., Dias Sardinha, I., Cohen, S., Dietrich, P., Davidovic D., Deo, C., 2021. A Collaborative Approach to Build Teaching Materials on Local and Sustainable Food Systems for Vocational European Schools. ESA, RN12_T05_02: Environmental Attitudes and Behaviours 3, 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2021, 31aug-3sep, Barcelona, Spain
2001 Environmental and triple bottom-line performance evaluation in Portuguese organizations. 7th European Roundtable on Cleaner Production. Sweden, Lund: 2001.
2000 Choosing the environmental performance evaluation framework based on the environmental conceptual objectives of the organization. Research Workshop on Corporate Environmental Management. ERP Environment. UK, University of Manchester: 2000.
1997 Position of entrepreneurs in Mozambique on the implementation of the Environment Law. FEMA (Fórum Empresarial para o Meio Ambiente) and UNDP. Hotel Polana, Mozambique, Maputo, December 1997
1997 Fórum Empresarial para o Meio Ambiente (FEMA) Activities from Maputo. Annual reunion IPEX-4 of the International Network Environmental Management (INEM) organization. Germany, Hamburg, May 1997
1997 Environmental Audits. Evaluation Course of Environmental Impact Studies promoted by MICOA and IUCN. Mozambique, Maputo: 1997
1996 Audits on Quality and Environment for Experts in the Field of Environment. SEIA/PARTEX, Directorate General for Environment (DGA). Training course for Auditors for the DGA Stock Auditors within the implementation of the Integrated System for Environmental Quality. Portugal, Lisbon: 1995/1996
1995 Environmental Audits for Industry, ISO/CD 14001-PEDIP II. Expoambiente 95, FIL. Portugal, Jun 1995
1995 Conformity Assessment in the Field of Environmental Management. ISO/CASCO and ISO/TC 207. Switzerland, Geneva: June 1995
1995 National representative at the third meeting of the International Standard Organization (ISO) at the Technical Committee on 207, Subcommittee 2 (ISO/TC 207/SC 2) responsible for Environmental auditing and related environmental investigations. France, Paris: January 1995
1994 Marketing Environment and Environmental Management. Environment Managers Training Course, organized by INETI, COPRAI, COGNOS AG and Chambre du Commerce de Lyon. Portugal, Lisbon: 1994
1993 Eco-balances and Eco-industries. Environment Technicians Training Course, sponsored by Associação Industrial Portuense (AIP). Portugal, Porto: 1993
Burguete, T., Sardinha, D.I., & Baptista, S. C. (2019, June). Interaction Processes and Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: A Conceptual Framework within Stakeholder Relationships. Paper presented at the 25th International Sustainable Development Research (ISDR) Society Conference – Sustaining Resources for the Future, Nanjing University, China.
Machanguana, Constancio A., Dias Sardinha, I., Multinational Mining Companies in Developing African Countries and Corporate Social Responsibility: discussing Resettlements in Mozambique, ASAUK 2019, 11 – 13 September 2019, University of Birmingham, UK.
Idalina Dias Sardinha, Vânia Proença, Cristina Branquinho, Alexandra Gil, Margarida Lima de Faria, Filipa Monteiro, Filipa Grilo and Rui Figueira, Information flows and use of online biodiversity data by the agrobiodiversity community: the Iberian case-study, 24th International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference, Action for A Sustainable World: From Theory to Practice, 13th - 15th Jun 2018, University of Messina, Italy.
Dias Sardinha, Idalina, Branco, Amélia, Rocha, Raquel, 2019. Contribution to contextualize sustainability at a school of economics and management (ISEG), 5th symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research, 06-07, June 2019 | ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
Multinational Extraction Companies’ Social Responsibility in Developing African Countries: a view on the resettlements in Center Mozambique, 5th symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research, 06-07, June 2019 | ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal.
Social responsibility of companies and rural space transformation in developing countries: some findings from mining/extractive companies in Mozambique. Conference "Transformations of the Rural Spaces in Mozambique". Observatório do Meio Rural, Mozambique, Nordic Africa Institute (Sweden), Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos, Christian Michelsen Institute (Norwegian) and University of Jyväskylä (Finland) 28-29th May 2018, Maputo
Cooperation and clustering in creative tourism destination management for the Alqueva dam, Alentejo region, Portugal, EURAM 16 Conference, Manageable Cooperation, Paris, 31 May-4 June 2016.


Semester Course Degree Coordinator
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Sustainability Sciences and Policy Mestrado Bolonha em Investigação e Inovação para a Sustentabilidade - Innovation and Research for Sustainability Yes
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Sustainability Sciences and Policy Mestrado Bolonha em Investigação e Inovação para a Sustentabilidade - Innovation and Research for Sustainability Yes
Temas e Debates em Sociologia Económica Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações 2016 No
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Temas e Debates em Sociologia Económica Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações 2016 No
Social Responsibility and Ethics Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia No
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia No
Temas e Debates em Sociologia Económica Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações 2016 No
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finance, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia No
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Temas e Debates em Sociologia Económica Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações 2016 No
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia No
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Ética e Responsabilidade Social Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Management, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economics, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia Yes
Seminários de Formação Avançada II Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações No
Seminários de Formação Avançada II Doutoramento Bolonha em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações - Sociologia Económica e das Organizações No

Year Student Name / Title / Institution Supervision Type Link
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
Master Ver
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
Master Ver
Master Ver
Master Ver
Master Ver
Master Ver

Professional Experience

Name / Description Date Organization
Researcher at Research Center on Economic and Organizational Sociology (SOCIUS) and CSG, Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa
Invited Associated Professor at Department of Social Sciences, Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa
2023 ISEG
UC Sustainability Sciences and Policy at Masters Innovation and Research for Sustainability (MIRS)
2023 ISEG
Sustainability assessment of agro-food systems. International PhD program "Agricultural Innovation in Tropical Food Chains"
2023 ISEG
Business Sustainability: Sustainable Business Models orientated by Ethics, Responsibility, and Climate Challenges. ESSCA School of Management, Paris, International Week
Participation in the research group and the PhD program group of Colegio Tropic
Master’s in management, MIM
2022 ISEG
Business Sustainability with a focus on Environmental Management, International School of Economic and Administrative Sciences of Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia
UC Ética e Responsabilidade Social (ERS-DP)
2018 ISEG
Sociology: Knowledge for Open and Inclusive Societies
UC Social Practices, Food, and Health, Part of the UC Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the PhD program in Sustainability Science - Resources, Food, and Society
2018 ISEG
Participation in the ISEG Social Responsibility Commission.
2018 - 2020
Syllabus Coordinator for the Doctoral Programme in Sustainability Science, Reason | Resources, Food, and Society, led by the College Food, Farming, and Forestry (F3), Universidade de Lisboa
UC Environmental Sustainability for Businesses (ESB).
2017 ISEG
Sustainability Science and Business Sustainability
2014 ISEG
Invited Auxiliary Professor at Department of Social Sciences, Lisbon School of Economics & Management (ISEG), Universidade de Lisboa (UL).
2014 - 2023 ISEG
Participation in the ISEG Social Responsibility Commission.
2014 - 2018
Corporate Shared Value
2013 - 2016 ISEG
Invited Professor at IDEFE, ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics & Management; Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
2006 - 2014 ISEG
Invited Professor at Business School (ISG). MSc on Management; Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
2005 - 2009 ISEG
Post-doctoral researcher at Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research (IN+), Technical Institute, Universidade de Lisboa
2004 - 2007
Environmental consultant - Project coordinator of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of Samira gold mining project, Etruscan Enterprises, Ltd., with DK, Consultants, Switzerland and Jacques Whitford and Assoc., Ltd., Canada
1998 - 1998
Technical adviser for the NGO Interco-operation and Development-Inde
1998 - 1998
Environmental consultant in Mozambique (MZ) - Adviser of Environmental Ministry of MZ (MICOA); Technical adviser of FEMA an environmental business forum, Maputo, MZ; Project coordinator – “Position of the business community in Mozambique on the implementation of the environmental framework law
1996 - 1998
Environmental consultant - Project coordinator - EIA of the Koma Bangou gold mine project of Etruscan Enterprises Ltd., with DK, Consultants, Switzerland, and AATA International, Inc., USA
1996 - 1996
Project manager at SEIA-environmental consultancy
1993 - 1996
Part-time assistant of geologist David Knopf, Switzerland, during Geology studies. Work on metals exploitation in Portugal (technical compilation, fieldwork and administrative tasks).
1987 - 1991