Publications & Citations
Journal article
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2023 | Investigating the Relationship between Aquaculture Investments, Training, and Environmental Factors in Guangdong: An Alternative Perspective Fishes |
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2022 | Assessment of Changes in Environmental Factors Affecting Aquaculture Production and Fisherfolk Incomes in China between 2010 and 2020 Fishes |
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2021 | “ITQs, Common Fisheries Policy and Stakeholders`Perceptions” Análise Social |
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2017 | Segmenting visitors based on willingness to pay for recreational benefits: the case of Leiria National Forest Tourism Economics |
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2017 | Green Taxation on Competitiveness. The Impact of ISP on the Road Sector. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY ECONOMICS AND POLICY |
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2016 | Competitiveness and Green Taxation. The Impact ISP Impact on the Road Sector International Journal Of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences |
2015 | Assessing the Non-Marketed Economic Value of Archaelogical Cultural Capital. A Methodological Approach by Using Individual Stated Preferences International Journal Of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences |
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2015 | Segmentting visitors based on willingness to pay for recreational benefits: the case of Leiria National Forest Tourism Economics |
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2013 | Methodological Issues for Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: the Case of S. Domingos's Mine International Journal Of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences |
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2011 | Measuring the Average Per-Day Net Benefit of Non-Consumptive Wildlife – Associated Recreation for a National Park: A Count-Data Travel Cost Approach Environmental Management |
Paper presented at academic or professional meetings
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2020 | Assessing the Social Value of a Mine Rehabilitation Project Using Stated Preferences: a Contingent Valuation Application to Mina de S. Domingos |
2020 | Circular Economy as a Frankenstein Concept: Origins and Definitions |
2016 | Assessing the Social Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs by a Contingent Valuation Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima |
2016 | PES Based Incentives to Forestry Management. |
2016 | Culture, Values and Management |
2014 | Assessing the social Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs by a Contingent Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima |
2014 | What Values Should Count to Managing Culture? An Economic Perspective |
2013 | Segmenting Visitors Based on Willingness to Pay for Recreational Benefits: The Case of Leiria National Forest |
2012 | Methodological Issues for Estimating the Total Economic Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: the Case of S. Domingos |
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2011 | Methodological Issues For Estimating The Total Value Of The Rehabilitation Of Mining Fields: |
2011 | Methodological Issues For Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining fields: the case of S. Domingos |
2011 | The Social and Economic Value of Abandoned Mine Rehabilitation Projects: The Case of S. Domingos Mine |
2011 | Estimating the Recreation Value of Ecosystems by Using Travel Cost Method Approach |
Working Papers
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2020 | The Circular Economy: an Ancient Term that Became Polysemic ISEG - Economics Department Working Paper |
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2018 | Social risks of forest fires: a methodological proposal for their monetary evaluation Repec Working Papers |
2016 | Assessing the Values of Archaeological Heritage Working Paper |
2016 | PES Based Incentives to Improve Forest Management Practices in Mediterranean Forests Working Paper |
2016 | The Social Value of Mine's Rehabilitation for Cultural Tourism. An Application of a CV Approach to the Case of S. Domingos Mine Working Papers |
2016 | Uma Avaliação Monetária dos Custos Sociais dos Incêndios Florestais em Portugal SOCIUS WORKING PAPER |
Proceedings from scholarly meetings
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2018 | Social network analysis as a research technique for the study of a community sustainable development-based model: The case of Santo Antão island, Cabo Verde 3rd CSG Research Forum |
2016 | Competitiveness and Green Taxs. The ISP Impacts on the National Energy GCET 17, 17th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation |
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2016 | Assessing the Expected Value of a Mine Rehabilitation Project for Cultural Purposes as an Incentive for Local Sustainable Development: a Contingent Valuation Approach 30th International Congress on Applied Economics |
2014 | The Social value of cultural heritage valorization programs; a contigent valuation approach. XL Regional Studies Meeting, Financing and the Role of the Regions and Towns in Economic Recovery |
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2014 | The Economic Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs: a Contingent Valuation Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima APDR |
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Technical reports related to funded research project
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2014 | Assessing the Social-Economic Value of a valorization Program for the knowledge Collected by Rescue Archaeological Activities at Brinches and Sobreira de Cima: a Preference-Based Methodology |
2014 | Using Contigent Valuation Based Stated-Preference Technique in Assessing the Socio-Economic Value of a Valorization Program for the Knowledge Collected by Rescue Archaeological Activities at Bringes and Sobreira de Cima. |
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2021 | Economia Circular no Contexto dos Paradigmas Económicos Neo-Clássico e Ambiental-Ecológico: as Mesmas Palavras, Significados Diferentes Clássica Editora |
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2019 | Capítulo 4. Subtemas de Investigação em Alterações Climáticas Agenda Temática de Investigação e Inovação - Alterações Climáticas, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: Lisboa, Portugal |
2018 | Derelict Mining Sites: Environmental Menaces and Social Cemeteries, or Opportunities for Local Sustainable Development? An Essay Almedina/Fundação Económicas |
2016 | Cultura, Valores e gestão (Culture, Values and Management) Escolar Editora |
2010 | The REHMINE research project: the threefold value of São Domingos abandoned mine rehabilitation in southern Portugal Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and C.N. Brooks, Greenfield Environmental Trust Group, USA |
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Faculty research seminar
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2019 | Economia Circular: Origem, Definição e Aplicação |
2013 | Reflexões sobre a operacionalização sustentada do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável |
2013 | Social-Economic Value of a SMD´s Rehabilitation Program for Cultural Tourism |
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Proceedings from Professional Meeting
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2018 | Rural Institutions for Development: The Case of Santo Antão Island in Cabo Verde |
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Book editor
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2018 | Utopia, Anarquia e Sociedade: Escritos em Homenagem a José Maria Carvalho Ferreira Almedina |
2017 | Annals of Applied Economics/Anais de Economia Aplicada 2017 SOCIUS/ISEG; ASEPELT |
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Invited in academic conference
Year | Title / Publication | Link |
2011 | Topics for Assessing the Total Value of Mine Rehabilitation Projects: The Case of São Domingos Mine. 17th Congress of the APDR Common Asset Management and Sustainable Regional Development, Bragança – Zamora, 22 July – 2 June 2011 |
2011 | The social and economic value of abandoned mine rehabilitation projects: the case of S. Domingos mine. 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference proceedings, Athens, Greece 16-19 March 2011. |
2010 | The REHMINE research project: the threefold value of São Domingos abandoned mine rehabilitation in southern Portugal. Brownfields 2010: Fifth International Conference on Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfields Sites, Carvoeiro, 14-16 September 2010. |
Semester | Course | Degree | Coordinator |
2º | Microeconomia II | Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças - Finanças, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia | No |
1º | Microeconomia I | Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão - Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão - Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão, Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia - Economia | No |
Year | Student Name / Title / Institution | Supervision Type | Link |
2022/2023 | CAROLINA ANTUNES GONÇALVES O Financiamento Climático Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2022/2023 | MARIANA ISABEL DOS SANTOS DUARTE A Taxonomia Europeia para as Atividades Sustentáveis Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2022/2023 | MIGUEL ESTEVES LOPES LOURENÇO The Concrete Effect on CO2 Emissions Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2021/2022 | TOMÁS ZILLIO SOARES O Mercado de Permissões de Emissões de Carbono: Uma Proposta para S. Paulo Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão |
Master | Ver |
2019/2020 | DIANA FILIPA GASPAR MARQUES Sistemas de reembolso de depósito para garrafas de bebidas e latas: um instrumento de mercado circular? O caso português. |
Master | Ver |
2019/2020 | MARGARIDA GONÇALVES NUNES Economia Circular e Cadeias de Abastecimento: Estudo de Caso |
Master | Ver |
2019/2020 | EMA CAROLINA VIVEIROS QUINTAL Economia Circular e Desperdício Alimentar |
Master | Ver |
2017/2018 | DIOGO FERNANDO CUSTÓDIO DUARTE JOÃO Economia Circular: O exemplo do IKEA |
Master | Ver |
2017/2018 | LUÍS MIGUEL TAVARES PACHECO Politica Energética Renovável em Portugal |
Master | Ver |
2017/2018 | ANA RITA AVELINO FERNANDES Um caso de avaliação de Políticas Públicas: ?Medida 1.3. ? Promoção da competitividade florestal?, do Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural (Quadro Comunitário de Apoios 2007-2013) |
Master | Ver |
2016/2017 | LUÍS MIGUEL TAVARES PACHECO Politica Energética Renovável em Portugal |
Master | |
2015/2016 | LUÍS MIGUEL TAVARES PACHECO Política Energética em Portugal |
Master | |
2014/2015 | DAVID MIMOSO OLIVEIRA Competitividade e Fiscalidade Verde: Impacte do ISP no Sector Nacional dos Combustíveis Rodoviários |
Master | Ver |
2010/2011 | ROXANNE ESTANQUEIRO GARRANA Avaliação do êxito do Protocolo de Quioto em Portugal |
Master | Ver |