The Observatory in the Media

Má sorte ter nascido mulher • Expresso da Manhã
In Expresso's daily podcast, journalist Paulo Baldaia talks to journalist Elisabete Miranda about National Equal Pay Day.

A partir de hoje, e até ao final do ano, mulheres estão a trabalhar de graça.
Press article for SIC Notícias by Rita de Sousa, Francisca Carrapatoso, Pedro Carpinteiro and Eduardo Horta.
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Fosso salarial continua a agravar-se: a partir de hoje, as mulheres em Portugal estão a trabalhar de graça.
Article by Margarida Vaqueiro Lopes deputy director of Visão Magazine for EXAME.
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Mulheres continuam a ganhar menos do que os homens em Portugal
Researcher Sara Falcão Casaca was interviewed on National Equal Pay Day for the Portuguese National Broadcast and presented data released by the Gender, Work and Power Observatory.

Homens ganham até 18% mais do que as mulheres. Observatório quer “sistema absolutamente transparente”
The TSF radio forum on November 14, 2024, dedicated to National Equal Pay Day, invited researcher Sara Falcão Casaca.

Desigualdade salarial: 70% dos casos não têm explicação em dados objectivos.
"The new Gender, Work and Power Observatory is committed to systematizing and disseminating data that contributes to closing the pay gap between men and women." Article by journalist Patrícia Carvalho.
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Desigualdade salarial em Portugal deixa homens a ganhar mais 18% do que as mulheres
Expresso journalists Cátia Mateus and Carlos Esteves analyze the pay gap based on data from the recently created Gender, Work and Power Observatory.
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Em Portugal, os homens ganham mais 18% que as mulheres.
Revista Executiva talks to researcher Sara Falcão Casaca following the data released by the recently created Gender, Equality and Power Observatory.
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Não são as habilitações nem o esforço. As mulheres ainda ganham menos do que os homens – só por serem mulheres
CNN Portugal journalist Maria João Caetano analyzes recent data on racial inequality in Portugal and uses output from the Gender, Work and Power Observatory.
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Em Portugal, é como se as mulheres só recebessem salário até novembro.
"In addition to the barometer on the pay gap (DRHM), the new ISEG Observatory has also launched another on the labor participation of men and women."
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