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Staff Mobility

1st phase - until 15 July 2024: for mobilities to be carried out until 28 February 2025

2nd phase - until 28 February 2025: for mobilities to be carried out until the end of July 2025

Erasmus+ is the European programme for 2021-2027 in the field of education, training, youth and sport and has an action to fund mobility assignments for training of technical and administrative staff in other Higher Education Institutions or European organisations covered by the programme.

The training missions will normally last a week, but may last a minimum of 2 days (excluding travel days) or last up to 2 months and are aimed at training technical and administrative staff, exchanging experiences in the field of Higher Education and fostering international cooperation.

Applicants can consult the respective Regulation below.

Applications should include:

  1. The completed Training Mobility Application Form and the estimated costs based on the Erasmus scales;
  2. The Work Programme (in case it is not signed by the host institution, an e-mail proving the candidate's acceptance must be provided);
  3. A short description of the objectives of the mission and the expected benefits for the service/institution of origin.
  4. Declaration of approval by the School Management.

On the website IMOTION you can take a look at some of the Staff Training Weeks on offer.

Please note that those interested should send all the documentation listed to the International Mobility Office by 10th July 2024 for the 1st phase and 10 February 2025 for the 2nd phase. After this date, applications can be sent to us a minimum of 60 days before the start of the programme. Staff Training Week.

For more information please consult the ULisboa.

If not all the grants are awarded, the application period will remain open until all the available grants have been awarded.
