Germany | D FREIBUR01 | Erasmus | Albert-Ludwigs - Universität Freiburg | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Germany | D BERLIN02 | Erasmus | Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Germany | D GOTTING01 | Erasmus | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D MANHEIM01 | Erasmus | Universität Mannheim, Business School | UG | 6 | FS | |
Germany | D MANHEIM01 | Erasmus | Universität Mannheim, Business School | PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D MANHEIM01 | Erasmus | Universität Mannheim, School of Business Informatics and Mathematics | PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Germany | D MUNSTER01 | Erasmus | University of Münster-School of Business and Economics | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D KOLN01 | Erasmus | University of Cologne - Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D SAARBRU03 | Erasmus | University of Applied Sciences, Saarbrücken | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D FRANKFU01 | Erasmus | Johan Wolfgang Goethe-Universität - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Germany | D PFORZHE01 | Erasmus | Pforzheim University, Business School | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D MUNCHEN02 | Erasmus | Technische Universität München (TUM) - School of Management | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Germany | D MUNCHEN02 | Erasmus | Technische Universität München (TUM) - Faculty of Mathematics | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Germany | D AACHEN01 | Erasmus | RWTH Aachen University - School of Business and Economics | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Argentina | | Bilateral agreement | Universidad de Buenos Aires - Faculdad de Ciencias Económicas | UG/PG | 8 | FS | Info |
Austria | A GRAZ01 | Erasmus | Karl-Franzens - Universität Graz (University of Graz) | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Austria | GRAZ09 | Erasmus | FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences | UG | 1 | FS | |
Austria | WIEN01 | Erasmus | University of Vienna | UG/PG | 3 | FS | Info |
Austria | WIEN05 | Erasmus | Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Austria | A INNSBRU08 | Erasmus | MCI The Entrepreneurial School | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Belgium | B BRUXEL04 | Erasmus | Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM) - Université Libre de Bruxelles | PG | 2 | FS | |
Belgium | B BRUXEL86 | Erasmus | ICHEC Brussels Management School | UG | 2 | FS | |
Belgium | B BRUXEL86 | Erasmus | ICHEC Brussels Management School | PG | 2 | FS | |
Belgium | B LEUVEN01 | Erasmus | KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) (3 campuses) | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Belgium | B LEUVEN01 | Erasmus | KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) (3 campuses) | PG | 1 | FS | Info |
Belgium | B LIEGE01 | Erasmus | HEC Management School - University of Liege | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Belgium | B ANTWERP01 | Erasmus | University of Antwerp - Faculty of Business and Economics | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Faculty of Economics, Administration, Accounting and Actuarial Science, University of São Paulo | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | INSPER - Institute for Education and Research | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Fundação Getúlio Vargas - EPGE - Brazilian School of Economics and Finance | UG/PG | 5 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - Faculty of Administration, Accounting and Economics | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Federal University of Minas Gerais | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Universidade Federal Fluminense - Faculty of Economics | UG | 2 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - School of Administration | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Brazil | | Bilateral agreement | School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, University of São Paulo | D | 2 | FS | Info |
Bulgaria | BG SOFIA03 | Erasmus | University of National and World Economy - Faculty of Economics | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Canada | | Bilateral agreement | Laval University - Faculty of Business Administration | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Canada | | Bilateral agreement | Laval University - Faculté des Sciences et de Génie | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Chile | | Bilateral agreement | Adolfo Ibañez University, Business School | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | Beijing Normal University - Business School | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
China | | Bilateral agreement | University of Macau - Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) | UG | 2 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | University of Macau - Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | Guanghua School of Management, Peking University | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | Shanghai University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | Shanghai University - SILC Business School | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | Shanghai University of Finance and Economics - SUFE | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
China | | Bilateral agreement | The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Colombia | | Bilateral agreement | ICESI University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
South Korea | | Bilateral agreement | Inha University - College of Business Administration | UG | 4 | FS | |
South Korea | | Bilateral agreement | Woosong University - Solbridge International School of Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Croatia | HR ZAGREB01 | Erasmus | University of Zagreb - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | UG/PG | 6 | FS | |
Denmark | DK KOBENHA05 | Erasmus | Copenhagen Business School | UG | 2 | FS | |
Denmark | DK KOBENHA05 | Erasmus | Copenhagen Business School | PG | 2 | FS | |
Egypt | | Bilateral agreement | The American University in Cairo (AUC) | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Slovakia | SK BRATISL03 | Erasmus | University of Economics in Bratislava | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Slovakia | SK BRATISL02 | Erasmus | Comenius University in Bratislava - Faculty of Management | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Slovenia | SI LJUBLJA01 | Erasmus | University of Ljubljana - School of Economics and Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Slovenia | SI MARIBOR01 | Erasmus | University of Maribor - Faculty of Economics and Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Spain | E MADRID114 | Erasmus | ESIC Business & Marketing School | UG | 2 | FS | |
Spain | E MADRID114 | Erasmus | ESIC Business & Marketing School | PG | 2 | FS | |
Spain | AND MADRID232 | Erasmus | ESIC University | UG | 4 | FS | |
Spain | E MADRID03 | Erasmus | Complutense University of Madrid - Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Spain | AND MADRID236 | Erasmus | CUNEF University | UG | 4 | FS | |
Spain | E BARCELO01 | Erasmus | University of Barcelona - Faculty of Economics and Business | UG | 2 | FS | Info |
Spain | E BARCELO01 | Erasmus | University of Barcelona - Faculty of Economics and Business | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Spain | E BILBAO01 | Erasmus | University of the Basque Country | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Spain | E VALENCI01 | Erasmus | Universitat de Valencia - Facultat d'Economia | UG | 1 | FS | |
United States of America | | Bilateral agreement | University of North Carolina at Wilmington | UG | 4 | FS | Info |
United States of America | | Bilateral agreement | Western Michigan University (WMU) | UG/PG | 1 | FS | Info |
United States of America | | Bilateral agreement | Dixie L. Leavitt School of Business, Southern Utah University | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
United States of America | | Bilateral agreement | University of Richmond-Robins School of Business | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
United States of America | | Bilateral agreement | Florida State University, College of Business | UG | 4 | FS | Info |
Estonia | EE TALLINN02 | Erasmus | Estonian Business School | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Finland | SF ESPO012 | Erasmus | Aalto University, School of Business | UG/PG | 6 | FS | |
France | F MONPEL13 | Erasmus | Montpellier Business School | UG | 2 | FS | |
France | F LYON23 | Erasmus | EMLyon Business School | UG | 2 | FS | |
France | F LYON23 | Erasmus | EMLyon Business School | PG | 2 | FS | |
France | F DIJION11 | Erasmus | BSB - Burgundy Business School | UG | 2 | FS | |
France | F DIJION11 | Erasmus | BSB - Burgundy Business School | PG | 2 | FS | |
France | F ANGERS10 | Erasmus | ESSCA School of Management (9 Campuses) | UG/PG | 8 | FS | Info |
France | F LAROCH07 | Erasmus | Excelia | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
France | F LILLE15 | Erasmus | EDHEC Business School (2 Campuses) | PG | 4 | FS | |
France | F LILLE11 | Erasmus | Université Catholique de Lille - IÉSEG School of Management (2 Campuses) | UG/PG | 6 | FS | |
France | F PARIS104 | Erasmus | ISC Paris | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
France | F STRASBO48 | Erasmus | Université de Strasbourg - Faculté des Sciences Economiques et de Gestion | UG | 1 | FS | |
France | F STRASBO48 | Erasmus | EM Strasbourg Business School | UG | 4 | FS | |
France | F BORDEAU57 | Erasmus | KEDGE Business School (2 Campuses) | UG | 4 | FS | Info |
France | F BORDEAU57 | Erasmus | KEDGE Business School (2 Campuses) | PG | 4 | FS | Info |
France | F PARIS001 | Erasmus | Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne - École d'économie de la Sorbonne | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
France | F PARIS481 | Erasmus | Université de Paris-Saclay -Faculté Jean Monnet | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
France | F LEHAVR04 | Erasmus | EM Normandie Business School (6 Campuses) | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
France | F REIMS25 | Erasmus | NEOMA Business School (3 Campuses) | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
France | F RENNES27 | Erasmus | Rennes School of Business | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
France | F NANCY43 | Erasmus | Université de Lorraine - Nancy Faculty of Law, Economic Sciences and Management | PG | 3 | FS | Info |
France | F TOULOUS23 | Erasmus | TBS Education (4 Campuses) | UG | 4 | FS | |
France | F TOULOUS23 | Erasmus | TBS Education (4 Campuses) | PG | 3 | FS | |
France | F GRENOBL22 | Erasmus | Grenoble INP, Graduate School of Management (iae) | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
France | F NANTES12
| Erasmus | Audencia Business School | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Greece | G ATHINE04 | Erasmus | Athens University of Economics and Business | UG | 4 | FS | |
Hungary | H BUDAPES02 | Erasmus | Budapest University of Technology and Economics | UG | 3 | FS | |
Hungary | H BUDAPES03 | Erasmus | Corvinus University of Budapest, Corvinus Business School | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
India | | Bilateral agreement | Symbiosis International University | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
India | | Bilateral agreement | Rajagiri Business School | UG/PG | 2 | | |
Ireland | IRL DUBLIN04 | Erasmus | Dublin City University, Business School | UG | 4 | FS | Info |
Italy | I BOLOGNA01 | Erasmus | Università di Bologna - School of Economics, Management and Statistics | UG | 4 | FS | |
Italy | I BOLOGNA01 | Erasmus | Università di Bologna - School of Economics, Management and Statistics | PG | 2 | FS | |
Italy | I PADOVA01 | Erasmus | Università Degli Studi di Padova - Faculty of Economics | UG | 2 | FS | |
Italy | I PADOVA01 | Erasmus | Università Degli Studi di Padova - Faculty of Economics | PG | 3 | FS | |
Italy | I MILANO02 | Erasmus | Politecnico di Milano | PG | 7 | FS | |
Italy | I MILANO01 | Erasmus | University of Milan, School of Economics and Statistics (SES) | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Italy | I MILANO04 | Erasmus | Bocconi University | UG | 2 | FS | |
Italy | I MILANO04 | Erasmus | Bocconi University | UG | 2 | FS | Info |
Italy | I MILANO04 | Erasmus | Bocconi University | PG | 2 | FS | |
Italy | I MILANO04 | Erasmus | Bocconi University | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Italy | I ROMA01 | Erasmus | Università Degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Faculty of Economics | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Italy | I ROMA02 | Erasmus | Università degli Studi di Roma 'Tor Vergata | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Italy | I ROMA03 | Erasmus | LUISS Guido Carli University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Italy | I SIENA01 | Erasmus | Universitá Degli Studi di Siena - Faculty of Economics | UG | 1 | FS | |
Italy | I TORINO01 | Erasmus | Università Degli Studi di Torino - Faculty of Economics | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Italy | I VENEZIA01 | Erasmus | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Japan | | Bilateral agreement | Nagoya University of Commerce and Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Lithuania | LT VILNIUS25 | Erasmus | ISM University of Management and Economics | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Morocco | | Bilateral agreement | Rabat Business School, College of Management | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Morocco | | Bilateral agreement | ESCA Management School | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Mexico | | Bilateral agreement | Universidad de Monterrey, School of Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Norway | N SANDVIK02 | Erasmus | BI Norwegian Business School | UG/PG | 8 | FS | |
Norway | N BERGEN02 | Erasmus | NHH Norwegian School of Economics | UG | 3 | FS | |
Norway | N BERGEN02 | Erasmus | NHH Norwegian School of Economics | PG | 3 | FS | |
Norway | N KRISTIA01
| Erasmus | University of Agder, School of Business and Law | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
The Netherlands | NL GRONING01 | Erasmus | University of Groningen - Faculty of Economics and Business | UG | 2 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL GRONING01 | Erasmus | University of Groningen - Faculty of Economics and Business | PG | 2 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL AMSTERD02 | Erasmus | VU University Amsterdam - Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | UG/PG | 5 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL NIJMEGE01 | Erasmus | Radboud University Nijmegen - Nijmegen School of Management | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
The Netherlands | NL TILBURG01 | Erasmus | Tilburg University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL ROTTERD01 | Erasmus | Erasmus University Rotterdam - Erasmus School of Economics | UG | 4 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL ROTTERD01 | Erasmus | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam | UG | 4 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL ROTTERD01 | Erasmus | Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam | PG | 2 | FS | |
The Netherlands | NL MAASTRI01 | Erasmus | Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) | UG/PG | 10 | FS | Info |
Peru | | Bilateral agreement | Universidad ESAN | UG | 2 | FS | |
Peru | | Bilateral agreement | Universidad del Pacifico | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Poland | PL KRAKOW02 | Erasmus | AGH University of Science and Technology - Faculty of Management | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Poland | PL POZNAN03 | Erasmus | Poznan University of Economics and Business | PG | 4 | FS | |
Poland | PL WARSAW01 | Erasmus | University of Warsaw - Faculty of Economic Sciences | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Poland | PL WARSAW03 | Erasmus | Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Poland | PL WARSAW21 | Erasmus | Kozminski University | UG | 3 | FS | |
Poland | PL WARSAW21 | Erasmus | Kozminski University | PG | 3 | FS | |
Poland | PL TORUM01 | Erasmus | Nicolaus Copernicus, University in Torum - Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management | UG/PG | 2 | FS | Info |
United Kingdom | UK BIRMING02 | Erasmus | University of Birmingham | UG | 2 | FS | Info |
United Kingdom | UK BRADFOR01 | Erasmus | University of Bradford | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
United Kingdom | UK LOUGHBO
01 | Erasmus | Loughborough Business School, Loughborough University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Czech Republic | CZ PRAHA07 | Erasmus | Charles University - Faculty of Social Sciences | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Czech Republic | CZ PRAHA09 | Erasmus | Prague University of Economics and Business | UG/PG | 4 | FS | |
Romania | RO BUCURES04 | Erasmus | Bucharest University of Economic Studies | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Russia | | Bilateral agreement | Lomonosov Moscow State University | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Russia | | Bilateral agreement | Plekhanov Russian University of Economics | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Sweden | S LUND01 | Erasmus | Lund University | UG/PG | 2 | FS | |
Sweden | S STOCKHO04 | Erasmus | KTH Royal Institute of Technology - School of Architecture and the Built Environment | PG | 2 | FS | |
Sweden | S UMEA01 | Erasmus | Umeå University - Umeå School of Business and Economics | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |
Sweden | S JONKOPI01 | Erasmus | Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), Jönköping University | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Switzerland | CH ZURICH01 | Erasmus | University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Switzerland | CH LAUSANN01 | Erasmus | University of Lausanne - HEC Lausanne | UG/PG | 4 | FS | Info |
Turkey | TR ANKARA04 | Erasmus | Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics | PG | 2 | FS | Info |
Turkey | TR ANKARA04 | Erasmus | Middle East Technical University, Institute of Applied Mathematics | D | 1 | FS | Info |
Turkey | TR ISTANBU04 | Erasmus | Istanbul Technical University - ITU | UG/PG | 3 | FS | |