ISEG cannot guarantee the placement of all students in their first choices, considering there are limited places in the courses. The enrolment will be done directly by the stduents on a first-come first serve basis through their student account on FENIX.
AUTUMN – Semester 1
Economics, Finance and Management
Economic and Business History | HEE-E | 6 |
Economic and Business Information | AIEE-E | 6 |
Economics I | E1-E | 6 |
Economics I-G | E1-E-G | 6 |
Mathematics I | M1-E | 6 |
Mathematics II | M2-E | 6 |
Principles of Management | IG-E | 6 |
Quantitative Finance | CIF-E | 6 |
Business Law (MNG) / Business Law (FNC) | DE-E / BL-E | 6 |
Corporate Finance | GF-E | 6 |
Financial Accounting II | FA2-E | 6 |
Information Technology | TI-E | 6 |
Macroeconomics I | MA1-E | 6 |
Microeconomics I | MI1-E | 6 |
Operational Marketing | MO-E | 6 |
Sociology | S-E | 6 |
Statistics I | EST1-E | 6 |
Statistics I | EST1-G-E | 6 |
Statistics II | EST2-G-E | 6 |
Corporate Finance II / Advanced Corporate Finance | GF2-E / ACF-E | 6 |
Alternative Investments b) | ALTINV | 3 |
Auditing and Taxation | AT-E | 6 |
Econometrics | EC-E | 6 |
Environmental Sustainability for Businesses | ESBOPT6 | 6 |
Ethics a) | ETH-E | 3 |
European Law | ELOPT6 | 6 |
Global Economic History of Portugal | GEHP-LECO | 6 |
History of the European Union | HEUOPT6 | 6 |
International Economics | EI-E | 6 |
International Organizations | INOROPT6 | 6 |
Management of Innovation | MIOPT6 | 6 |
Money and Banking | MAB-E | 6 |
Operational Research | IO-E | 6 |
Social Studies of Finance b) | SSFNC-OPT | 3 |
Sociology of Work | STE-E | 6 |
Urban Economics | UE-LECO | 6 |
b) This module will take place in the last 6 weeks of the semester.
SPRING – Semester 2
Economics, Finance and Management
Accounting I / Financial Accounting I | CGE1-E / FA1-E | 6 |
Economic and Business History | HEE-E | 6 |
Economic and Business Information | AIEE-E | 6 |
Economics II | E2-E | 6 |
Foundations of Law | ID-E | 6 |
Mathematics I | M1-E | 6 |
Mathematics II | M2-E | 6 |
Quantitative Finance | CIF-E | 6 |
Year 2 | Code | ECTS |
Corporate Finance | CF-F | 6 |
Corporate Finance I | GF1-E | 6 |
Financial Markets | FM-E | 6 |
Macroeconomics II | MA2-E | 6 |
Management Accounting | MA-E | 6 |
Microeconomics II | MI2-E | 6 |
Monetary and Financial Economics | EMF-E | 6 |
Public Economics and Finance | EFP-E | 6 |
Statistics I | EST1-E | 6 |
Statistics I | EST1-G-E | 6 |
Statistics II | EST2-E | 6 |
Statistics II | EST2-G-E | 6 |
Strategic Marketing | MEST-E | 6 |
Corporate Finance II / Advanced Corporate Finance | GF2-E / ACF-E | 6 |
Capital Budgeting and Investment Appraisal | CBIA-E | 6 |
Econometrics | EC-E | 6 |
Economic and Financial Sociology | EFSOPT6 | 6 |
Economic Policy and Business Activity-G | PEAE-G-E | 6 |
Entrepreneurial Finance b) | EFNC-OPT | 3 |
Entrepreneurship | ENTEOPT6 | 6 |
Experimental Economics | EE-LECO | 6 |
FinLab | FL-E | 4 |
Fintech a) | FT-E | 3 |
History of Economic Thought | HET-LECO | 6 |
Human Behaviour in Organizations | PSI-E | 6 |
Human Resources Management | GRH-E | 6 |
People, Teams and Organizations b) | PTO-OPT | 3 |
Production and Operations Management | GPO-E | 6 |
Project Appraisal | AP-E | 6 |
Public Economics and Finance | PEF-E | 6 |
Scenarios and Strategic Foresight | SSFOPT6 | 6 |
Social Network Analysis | SSNAOPT6 | 6 |
Strategic Management | EEMP-E | 6 |
Sustainable Development | SD-LECO | 6 |
b) This module will take place in the last 6 weeks of the semester.