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Academic Offer 2024/2025- Undergraduate


ISEG cannot guarantee the placement of all students in their first choices, considering there are limited places in the courses. The enrolment will be done directly by the stduents on a first-come first serve basis through their student account on FENIX.

AUTUMN – Semester 1

Economics, Finance and Management

Economic and Business HistoryHEE-E6
Economic and Business InformationAIEE-E6
Economics IE1-E6
Economics I-GE1-E-G6
Mathematics IM1-E6
Mathematics IIM2-E6
Principles of ManagementIG-E6
Quantitative FinanceCIF-E6
Business LawDE-E or BL-E6
Corporate FinanceGF-E6
Financial Accounting IIFA2-E6
Information TechnologyTI-E6
Macroeconomics IMA1-E6
Microeconomics IMI1-E6
Operational MarketingMO-E6
Statistics IEST1-E6
Statistics IEST1-G-E6
Statistics IIEST1-G-E6
Corporate Finance II / Advanced Corporate FinanceGF2-E / ACF-E6
Alternative Investments b)ALTINV3
Auditing and TaxationAT-E6
Environmental Sustainability for BusinessesESBOPT66
Ethics a)ETH-E3
European LawELOPT66
Global Economic History of PortugalGEHP-LECO6
History of the European UnionHEUOPT66
International EconomicsEI-E6
International OrganizationsINOROPT66
Management of InnovationMIOPT66
Money and BankingMAB-E6
Operational ResearchIO-E6
Social Studies of Finance b)SSFNC-OPT3
Sociology of WorkSTE-E6
Urban EconomicsUE-LECO6
a) This module will take place in the first 6 weeks of the semester;
b) This module will take place in the last 6 weeks of the semester.

SPRING – Semester 2

Economics, Finance and Management

Accounting I / Financial Accounting ICGE1-E / FA1-E6
Economic and Business HistoryHEE-E6
Economic and Business InformationAIEE-E6
Economics IIE2-E6
Foundations of LawID-E6
Mathematics IM1-E6
Mathematics IIM2-E6
Quantitative FinanceCIF-E6
Year 2CodeECTS
Corporate FinanceCF-F6
Corporate Finance IGF1-E6
Financial MarketsFM-E6
Macroeconomics IIMA2-E6
Management AccountingMA-E6
Microeconomics IIMI2-E6
Monetary and Financial EconomicsEMF-E6
Public Economics and FinanceEFP-E6
Statistics IEST1-E6
Statistics IEST1-G-E6
Statistics IIEST2-E6
Statistics IIEST2-G-E6
Strategic MarketingMEST-E6
Corporate Finance II / Advanced Corporate FinanceGF2-E / ACF-E6
Capital Budgeting and Investment AppraisalCBIA-E6
Economic and Financial SociologyEFSOPT66
Economic Policy and Business Activity-GPEAE-G-E6
Entrepreneurial Finance b)EFNC-OPT 3
Experimental EconomicsEE-LECO6
Fintech a)FT-E3
History of Economic ThoughtHET-LECO6
Human Behaviour in OrganizationsPSI-E6
Human Resources ManagementGRH-E6
People, Teams and Organizations b)PTO-OPT3
Production and Operations ManagementGPO-E6
Project AppraisalAP-E6
Public Economics and FinancePEF-E6
Scenarios and Strategic ForesightSSFOPT66
Social Network AnalysisSSNAOPT66
Strategic ManagementEEMP-E6
Sustainable DevelopmentSD-LECO6
a) This module will take place in the first 6 weeks of the semester;
b) This module will take place in the last 6 weeks of the semester.