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MFW Repeat Enrolment

» If the Master Final Work is not submitted by the due date, the student may register for the Master Final Work again in the following academic year (as a repeater), paying the respective fee, extension tuition and fees within the deadlines set. According to Article 13 of the tuition fee regulationsAccording to Article 3, "the fee set for the extension of the MFW can only be used once. If it is necessary to repeat the MFW registration, the formula set out in point 1" of the aforementioned article must be applied.

» The enrolment prolonging can be made from the beginning of November and until the deadline set in the important deadlines.

" To re-enroll in the Master Final Work, you must access the "Fenix" Portal.

" Registrations will not be accepted after the deadlines and we ask you to pay attention to the following important deadlines.