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University of Lisbon athlete

The following are covered the defined practitioners of Decree-Law no. 55/2019 of April 24th. 

The status is obtained através de entrega anual nos Serviços Académicos e no ato da inscrição, ou até dois meses antes do início da época de exames, de declaração emitida pela Federação/Clube/Associação de Estudantes do ISEG comprovativa da prática desportiva. Para atribuição do mesmo e de acordo com o artigo 5º, é obrigatório ter tido aproveitamento escolar:

"Article 5,

1. ULisboa students wishing to benefit from the Student-Athlete Status must have passed at least 36 ECTS credits, or all those enrolled, if their number is less than 36 ECTS in the academic year prior to the one in which they request the granting of the Status, as stipulated in article 5 of Decree-Law no. 55/2019, of April 24.

2. The provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply to students who apply for the status in the academic year in which they are enrolled for the first time in a study cycle. In these situations, the School must regulate the criteria for assessing academic achievement and attendance, to be implemented during the 1st semester.

In the case of ISEG, the criteria were defined as the obligation to pass 36 ECTS of the UCs enrolled in the academic year.

3. The provisions of the previous paragraph do not apply to students who have entered that academic year by changing institution/course pair, who must present proof of academic achievement. In other words, at the previous school, these students must have passed at least 36 ECTS credits, or all those enrolled if their number is less than 36 ECTS. 

As regalias consistem na possibilidade de realização de quatro exames no máximo para alunos de Licenciatura, e dois exames no máximo para alunos de Mestrado, em época de avaliação especial (do 2º semestre), a unidades curriculares que tenha estado inscrito/a no corrente ano letivo, sujeito ao valor emolumentar fixado por unidade curricular.

It is compulsory to register for the season via Fenix during the designated period.