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Part-time General Regime

A general part-time student is one who, in a given academic year, chooses to attend part-time by enrolling in a reduced number of curricular units in a study cycle leading to a bachelor's or master's degree, benefiting from a reduction in the tuition fee and a specific prescription rule.

Application and Registration

Students who are validly enrolled in a bachelor's or master's degree program can apply for the general part-time student scheme.

Applications for this regime are made annually, at the beginning of each school year at the time of registration or up to a maximum of 15 de outubroThis is done by submitting a request to ISEG's Academic Services Department, where the student must indicate the curricular units they wish to be enrolled in.

Requirements and limitations

In each academic year, the maximum number of ECTS credits that a part-time student can register for cannot exceed half (50%) of the number of ECTS credits in the year of the study cycle that a full-time student is allowed to register for, i.e. it cannot exceed 36 ECTS per year for the bachelor's study cycle and 30 ECTS for the master's study cycle.

Students applying for the general part-time regime may not register for more than 18 ECTS per semester.

Students who are in the general full-time regime are not allowed to change to the general part-time regime when the number of ECTS credits missing for the completion of the undergraduate study cycle is equal to or less than 36 ECTS or when the number of ECTS credits missing for the completion of the master's study cycle is equal to or less than 42 ECTS.

Exceptions to the previous paragraph are undergraduate students who are missing a maximum of two curricular units before completing their degree, in which case the transition to part-time study is allowed.